What is 1844 About?

What is 1844 About?

What is 1844 About?

On occasion, articles on this website have addressed the year 1844. However, precisely what is 1844 about? What happened during this year that made it such a significant event in Christendom? Hopefully, this article will shed light on this very question with some answers.

The Background

The year 1844 results from the end of a prophecy written in the book of Daniel. It initially establishes the end of a prophecy and concurrently signifies the initiation of a significant event.

This prophecy is contained in a vision of Daniel, found in Daniel 8:1-13 which describes, with much symbolism, a period that entails the succession of three major kingdoms, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.

Let us take a look at this passage in Scripture and unpack it. Dan 8:1-13

1 In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me — to me, Daniel — after the one that appeared to me the first time. (2) I saw in the vision, and it so happened while I was looking, that I was in Shushan, the citadel, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in the vision that I was by the River Ulai. (3) Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and there, standing beside the river, was a ram which had two horns, and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last. (4) I saw the ram pushing westward, northward, and southward, so that no animal could withstand him; nor was there any that could deliver from his hand, but he did according to his will and became great. (5) And as I was considering, suddenly a male goat came from the west, across the surface of the whole earth, without touching the ground; and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. (6) Then he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing beside the river, and ran at him with furious power. (7) And I saw him confronting the ram; he was moved with rage against him, attacked the ram, and broke his two horns. There was no power in the ram to withstand him, but he cast him down to the ground and trampled him; and there was no one that could deliver the ram from his hand. (8) Therefore the male goat grew very great; but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven. (9) And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land. (10) And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled them. (11) He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. (12) Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered. (13) Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking, “How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?” NKJV

What is 1844 About?

We see in verse 3 that Daniel saw a Ram in the vision with two horns. In prophecy, animals and beasts symbolize kingdoms; horns symbolize authority and great power. One horn was longer than the other and came up last. Further down in verse 20, it is stated that the ram represented the Medo-Persia empire.

Secular history reflects that Darius the Mede reigned first, followed by Cyrus the Persian, whose empire was the stronger of the two. Therefore, the first horn represented Darius the Mede, and the second, more prominent horn represented Cyrus, the Persian.

In verse 4, we see that the ram pushed its way west, north, and south, illustrating that it seized Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt during its rise to power.

Next, in verses 5 and 6, a goat appears on the scene from the west with a prominent horn between his eyes without touching the earth. Not touching the earth addresses the swiftness of this kingdom’s movement as it headed toward the ram. It is important to note that rams and goats were used in the sanctuary services.

In verse 7, the goat viciously attacks the ram and tramples him. The goat represents the kingdom of Greece, and the prominent horn between the goat’s eyes represents the first king of Greece (Daniel 8:21).

What is 1844 about?

Verse 8 describes how great the goat became, and the large horn was broken off at the height of its power.

Secular history reflects that Alexander the Great was the first leader of a united Greece as it took over the world. Additionally, Greece defeated Medo-Persia in 331 BC. Alexander was only 25 years of age at the time. The horn of the goat breaking off signified Alexander the Great’s death at the age of 33 in 323 BC.

We also see in this verse that four prominent horns replaced the giant horn. Chapter 7 of Daniel confirms that four of Alexander’s generals eventually took over the Greek Empire. Ultimately, one took over the northern portion of the empire, known as the King of the North, while another took over the southern portion and became known as the King of the South.

In verse 9, we see that another horn rose from among these four. It started out small but increased in power. It grew “exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land.”
The glorious land refers to the land of Judea (Daniel 11:16). The direction that the little horn was traveling indicates that it came from the west, directly affecting Judea and nations in the south and east. This little horn refers to Rome, which came from the west of Jedea and Greece. Judea and other crucial nations were directly en route between Greece and Egypt. By 168 BC, Rome became the fourth world kingdom.

Verse 10 addresses how the little horn grew up to the host of heaven. Verse 24 says that the hosts of heaven and stars are the mighty and holy people. This refers to the persecution of God’s people by Pagan and Papal Rome. The faithful Jews and Christians after Christ were viciously persecuted by pagan Rome under various emperors, and later during the years of Papal supremacy, the persecution increased as was instigated by the Catholic Church.

In verses 11 and 12, we see that the little horn exalted itself against “the prince of the host,” who was Christ. It was pagan Rome that crucified Christ in A.D. 31. In other passages in Daniel, Christ is referred to as Prince (Daniel 9:25-27, 11:22). Not only did it crucify Christ, but it set itself up to be the equal of God and ordered the daily sacrifices to end.

In verse 13, two angels are communicating with one another. One asked the other how long it would take for the completion of the vision to be fulfilled. The reply in verse 14 was 2,300 years.

This verse is the high point of Daniel 8. This vision is known as the 2300-day prophecy and culminates the chapter. This vision of Daniel occurred long before its commencement and has been fulfilled in its entirety.

It is very crucial to note that the 2300 days mentioned are not literal because of the kingdoms it encompasses. Therefore, it is evident that the prophetic day-year principle is used. That is, each day is one (1) year. Thus, 2300 prophetic days are actually 2300 years. This principle is evident in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6. This period began in 457 BC. It is verse 13 that begins to shed light on the year 1844.

The Dilemma

Daniel had problems understanding the meaning of the 2300 days as he said in Dan 8:27, “I, Daniel, was exhausted and lay ill for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business. I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.” NIV

The Answer

In chapter nine, Daniel earnestly prayed an intercessory prayer to God for Israel and himself and asked for understanding of the vision. While he was praying, God sent Gabriel with the interpretation in Dan 9:24-27 which reads:

24 “Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.

Israel was attacked and annihilated by Babylon, destroying the temple, and the Babylonians carried the Israelites into exile for seventy years because of their sins against God (Jeremiah 27:7-11). At the end of the 70 years, Israel was given seventy-sevens, 490 prophetic years (1 week=7 days=7 prophetic years x 7=490 prophetic years) to “put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness,” etc.

In other words, they had 490 years to get their act together. This period served as a probationary period for Israel. This period is known as the 70-week prophecy. These 490 years were the beginning of the 2300-year prophecy.

25 “Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.

In 457 BC, Artaxerxes, the Persian King, issued the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. This was when the 2300-year prophecy began. It would take seven weeks (seven sevens =49 years) to rebuild Jerusalem, and it would be with much opposition. Sixty-two weeks (434 years)after that point, we have the messiah, the anointed one.

26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.

After three-and-a-half years, the Messiah would be cut off. Three-and-a-half years later, the nation’s probation will end. Then Jerusalem and the Temple will be destroyed by the Romans. War, destruction, and desolation will come in on the land like a flood.

27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” NIV.

During this last prophetic week of the seventy-year prophecy, God will fulfill His covenant promise to the people. But three-and-a-half years into the Messiah’s ministry, they will turn Him over to strangers to be crucified. This action will end the ancient sacrifices and offerings. For the next three-and-a-half years, God will extend one last call to the people, but the rulers will not listen, bringing about desolation. However, the nation that destroys the city and the temple (Rome) will also come to an end. The end has been decreed and is assured.

Again, this vision of Daniel occurred thousands of years prior and was fulfilled exactly as it was seen. The fulfillment of the prophecies of the past helps us to look forward to the fulfillment of the prophecies of the future. History is prophecy fulfilled, and prophecy is history foretold.

What is 1844 about?

The first 490 years of the 2,300-year prophecy apply specially to the Jews and the coming of Christ the Messiah. The last part of the 2300 years must apply to God’s people, both Jew and Gentile, along with the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. Ultimately, after that, the second coming of Christ.

The first 490 years applied to the first Advent of the Messiah and ended in A.D. 34 with the stoning of Steven. Subtracting 490 years from 2,300 years leaves us with 1810 years. These remaining 1810 years apply to God’s people. If we begin at A.D. 34 and add 1810 years, we come to A.D. 1844, the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the beginning of probation. This is what the year 1844 is about. The chart below illustrates this remarkable vision and timetable.

For more on the cleansing of the sanctuary, see the article, The Sanctuary Truth, on this website.

In the light of the cleansing or restoration of the truth about the sanctuary and heaven’s end-time judgment, God makes His final appeal to all humanity in Revelation 14:6-11 to respond to His love, accept His grace, and live godly, obedient lives. This is what the three angels’ messages are about.

For more on the three angles messages, see the article, The Three Angels Message, on this website.

Comments, questions, and concerns are welcomed below.


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42 thoughts on “What is 1844 About?”

  1. The article delves into the historical and theological context of the year 1844 and its significance within certain Christian denominations, particularly the Adventist movement. It discusses the belief that Jesus Christ entered into the heavenly sanctuary and began a process of investigative judgment in that year.

    What I appreciated about the article was its detailed explanation of the different interpretations and perspectives surrounding the events of 1844. It presented a balanced view by exploring various theological understandings and the impact they had on the development of different Christian denominations.

    The article provided historical background, citing key figures and movements that contributed to the discussions and debates surrounding 1844. It helped me grasp the significance of this year within the broader context of Christian history and the formation of different theological beliefs.

    Furthermore, the article addressed the practical implications of the 1844 event for believers, emphasizing the importance of personal reflection, spiritual preparation, and the anticipation of Christ’s second coming.

    Overall, “What Is 1844 About?” is an insightful article that sheds light on a pivotal moment in Christian history. It offers a comprehensive exploration of the theological significance of 1844 and its impact on Christian denominations. The article’s balanced approach and historical context contribute to a deeper understanding of this important period in Christian theology.

    After reading the article, I gained a clearer understanding of the events of 1844 and their theological implications. It sparked my curiosity to delve further into the topic and explore the diverse perspectives surrounding this significant moment in Christian history.

    1. Greetings Steve – Many thanks for your insightful comments on the article. Have a blessed day!

  2. Our God is a God of order and timing. He does things in the correct order. There are lots of sins and history pointing to the sovereignty of our God. I love your conclusion – His appeal for us to respond to His love and grace is still open. But it is left for us to accept His widely opened arm. When the trumpet sound, it will be too late.

  3. I think the story Daniel is talking about is the prophecy, an Allegory that refers to us as a human race, that away from God’s Kingdom, we are the Kings and Dictators that run our lives and control our destinies. As Jesus said, seek the Kingdom of God within us, or suffer the broken dreams of an unreal life before our eyes in this three Dimensional Domain. 

  4. This blog is very educational and informative, but the picture content is squeezing the words, and I can’t read what it says. Also, more eye-catching picture content could be added to make it more attractive to read. I am also curious to know what made you choose this particular subject. Other than that, everything looks organized! Keep up the good work!

    1. Greetings Will – I chose this topic to shed light on this important event in 1844 when Christ moved to the most holy place in the sanctuary, the beginning of probation, and what led up to it. It is also an opportunity to illustrate how prophecy was fulfilled, which adds authenticity to the Scriptures.

      Regarding the images and text, adjusting the zoom on your device may be helpful.

      Thanks for commenting!

  5. I found this article about the significance of the year 1844 in Christendom very informative. I had heard of this prophecy from the book of Daniel before but never fully understood its symbolism. It’s interesting to see how kingdoms and empires were represented by animals and horns in the vision. I wonder what other significant events in history were prophesied in the Bible and how they may have come to pass.

    1. Greetings Akumendoh – The most significant historical event is the birth and life of Jesus Christ, which was prophesied in numerous Scriptures some 700 years beforehand. Some of them are: Isaiah 7:14—Isaiah prophesies that a pure young woman (a virgin) will give birth to God’s son. Matthew 1:18–23—Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled. Isaiah 9:6—Isaiah prophesies that Jesus Christ will come as a baby; several names describe Jesus. Micah 5:2—Micah prophesies that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem.

      Thanks for commenting!

  6. This article was very informative and well-written. I appreciate how you explained the 2300-day prophecy and its connection to the year 1844. I learned a lot about the history and symbolism of Daniel’s vision and how it relates to Christ’s ministry and the heavenly sanctuary. Thank you for sharing this insight.

  7. An enlightening read! You have skillfully navigated through historical events and theological interpretations, shedding light on the various perspectives surrounding this pivotal year. As someone with a keen interest in Christian history, I found this article to be a captivating journey of discovery. The depth of research and the clarity of explanations helped me grasp the complexities of ‘1844’ and its implications within different denominations. It’s commendable how you presented multiple viewpoints, fostering a balanced and inclusive understanding of this significant period. Thank you for sharing this thought-provoking piece that encourages deeper exploration and understanding of our rich religious heritage.

    1. Greetings, Dave – It is great to know that the article has blessed you in such a positive way.

      Thanks for commenting!

  8. Interesting theory about the prophecy…Even if I don’t believe in this, I do think that the Bible prophecies came to pass and some are real. Also, when we see everything that is currently happening, we can’t think that we’re not at the times of the end of the world. Do you believe that the cleansing of the sanctuary is currently intensified?

  9. Hi! I read your post and it was very educational and informative. I liked all of the historical data. It contributed to a deeper understanding of this important period in time.
    I have a clearer understanding of the events of 1844 and their theological implications.
    The piece was well written and the point of it was clear and concise. Thank you.

    1. Greetings Sandi – Many thanks for your kind comments on this article. They confirm that the article is fulfilling the purpose for which it was produced.
      God Bless you.


  10. This is a very interesting post on what is 1844 about. I was not aware of the historical significance of the year 1844. I did find it quite difficult to follow and sometimes got lost with the symbolism that the ram and horn represented, as well as jumping back to the times BC. 

    The vision and timetable is indeed remarkable, with so many of the prophesies becoming true. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insight.

    1. Greetings LineCowley – I’m happy that you found the article informative. You inspired me to write it because previously, you raised questions regarding 1844. Yes, Daniel and Revelation use a lot of symbolism. It does take some meditation to decipher the facts. If I can help further, just let me know.

      Thanks, as always, for commenting!

  11. Nathaniel, thank you for this great work of explaining this important prophecy onto which the destiny of the whole world hinges. One cannot clearly understand the whole plan of salvation without knowing the 2300 days/years prophecy. This time prophecy clearly shows the 1st advent of Jesus Christ, His mission in the salvation of mankind when he died as a lamb in AD 31, thereby putting an end to the earthly sanctuary service and His commencement of the priesthood when he ascended to heaven. As you clearly show the divisions of the 2300 prophecy, end in the year 1844. And something great occurred this year: “The Sanctuary shall be cleansed”. The cleansing of the sanctuary points to the great work of our high priest in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. Sins are being blotted in this probationally period!! This is the message of Revelation 14: 6-12 and this is the present truth. I am happy that you have allowed the Lord to use you to warn the world. Thank you, once again, for this noble service to our Lord.

    1. Greetings, Hawumba – I see that you are familiar with this critical prophecy and the significance of it. I greatly appreciate your encouragement, and I thank you for commenting.


  12. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this informative article that delved into the importance of the year 1844 within the context of Christendom. Prior to this, I had come across references to the prophecy from the book of Daniel, but I lacked a complete understanding of its symbolic meaning. It is fascinating to observe the representation of kingdoms and empires through animals and horns in the vision. This raises my curiosity about other significant events in history that might have been prophesied in the Bible and how they unfolded in reality.

    1. Greetings Freddie – The most significant historical event is the birth and life of Jesus Christ, which was prophesied in numerous Scriptures some 700 years beforehand. Some of them are Isaiah 7:14—Isaiah prophesies that a pure young woman (a virgin) will give birth to God’s son. Matthew 1:18–23—Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled. Isaiah 9:6—Isaiah prophesies that Jesus Christ will come as a baby; several names describe Jesus. Micah 5:2—Micah prophesies that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem. There are other Scriptures regarding Christ.

      The book of Revelation contains prophecy on future events, which also uses symbolism.

      Thanks for commenting!

  13. The year 1844 holds significance in relation to the fulfillment of the prophecy in the Book of Daniel. It signifies the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the beginning of probation for God’s people as they await the second coming of Jesus Christ. The interpretation of these events is based on the prophetic day-year principle and the historical timeline described in the biblical text. In summary, the prophecy in the Book of Daniel discusses various kingdoms and events, including the Medo-Persian Empire, Greece, and Rome. In the vision, Daniel sees a ram with two horns representing the Medo-Persian Empire, followed by a goat representing Greece under the leadership of Alexander the Great. After Alexander’s death, his empire is divided among his generals. Among them, a “little horn” emerges, representing the Roman Empire, which opposes Christ. The prophecy in Daniel 8:13 reveals that the vision will be fulfilled within 2,300 years, with each prophetic day representing one year. The counting of these years begins in 457 BC. Gabriel explains to Daniel that Israel will be given 70 “sevens” (490 prophetic years) to put an end to sin and bring everlasting righteousness. The counting of these years starts with the decree to restore Jerusalem in 457 BC. Gabriel further reveals that after seven “sevens” (49 years), Jerusalem will be rebuilt, but in troubled times. After sixty-two “sevens” (434 years), the Anointed One (Messiah) will be rejected, leading to the destruction of the city and the sanctuary. The Messiah will confirm a covenant with many for one “seven” (seven years), but in the middle of that period, sacrifices will cease, and an abomination causing desolation will occur. The first 490 years of the 2,300-year prophecy are specifically connected to the Jews and the coming of the Messiah. Subtracting these 490 years from 2,300 years leaves 1,810 years. Starting from AD 34, the stoning of Stephen, and adding 1,810 years, we arrive at AD 1844. According to this interpretation, 1844 represents the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the beginning of a probationary period for God’s people as they await the second coming of Christ.

  14. This is nicely explained!

    Our current sabbath school lesson is talking about the 2300 days prophecy which is why I was looking for more on the subject and I found your blog post, it is very helpful. In 1844, people were ready for the coming of Christ but it wasn’t the right time, unfortunately after realizing that many got back to their old ways. From this experience, all I can understand is that we need to prepare ourselves daily, to come to God because we love Him not because we are afraid the end is near. If we come to Him because of fear of the tribulations we are going through or that may happen, when those tribulations end or do not happen, we will go back to our old ways just as those in 1844 did.


    1. For sure, we must prepare ourselves daily for Christ’s return as we do not know the day or the hour.

      Thanks for commenting!

  15. This is a well written article about a topic I am not familiar with, even though my upbringing was Christian. It is an interesting lesson in the breakdown of the 2300 years. The chart was very helpful in understanding the entire concept as it can be a little confusing just as a read. Thanks for the great information and I will probably read a couple more times to ensure I am getting all the information provided. Thanks again. Brian

    1. You are welcome, Brian. It is essential to understand how the prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled. It helps us to appreciate and understand the prophecies of the future so that we may be prepared for their fulfillment.

      Thanks for commenting!

  16. I have to admit I was familiar with the passage from Daniel Chapter 8 Nathaniel but have not heard such an in-depth attempt to explain what the prophecy meant until reading your article.

    It always seems difficult to me to discern when a particular prophecy is tied exclusively to a particular event or as is often the case with Biblical prophecy, there may be different levels of fulfillment of a particular prophecy during more than one period or time in history.

    Is there a chance that the prophecy has yet to be completely fulfilled or is that issue settled?

    1. Greetings, Joseph, Yes, the 2300-day prophecy was fulfilled in 1844. That is when the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary began. In general, there are prophecies that have more than one fulfillment.

      Thanks for commenting!

  17. This article delves into the historical and theological context of the year 1844 and its profound significance within specific Christian denominations, particularly the Adventist movement. It offers a compelling discussion on the belief that Jesus Christ entered the heavenly sanctuary, initiating a process of investigative judgment during that momentous year.

    What stood out to me in this article was its meticulous exploration of the diverse interpretations and perspectives surrounding the events of 1844. By presenting a balanced view, the article provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the varying theological understandings and their impact on the development of distinct Christian denominations. This inclusive approach encourages readers to appreciate the richness and complexity of theological thought.

    Moreover, the article provides valuable historical background, referencing key figures and influential movements that contributed to the discussions and debates surrounding 1844. By offering this historical context, the article allows readers to grasp the broader significance of this year within the tapestry of Christian history and the formation of diverse theological beliefs.

  18. Hello Nathaniel! I just finished reading your article What Is 1844 About? And I really enjoyed reading it! I’m not sure I entirely understand it, as I was raised Catholic. And I’m not really up to date with my Catholic history or anything like that. But, I did really enjoy reading about the historical significance of 1844, and how it applies to other faiths. 

    I can appreciate, however, that you made excellent use of directly quoted scripture from the Bible, and used tables and charts as well to further explain the significance and importance of 1844. And this helped me to have a better understanding of your article overall. 

    This was quite an interesting read! Thank-You for such a well-researched article and a lovely reading experience. 


    1. Thanks, Cal – I’m glad to know that you were so blessed by the article. Just know that this is non-denominational history.

      Thanks for commenting!

  19. Having read the article on “What is 1844 About?” from The Christian Advocate, I find myself curious about the theological and historical significance of this particular year within the Christian faith. The exploration of different interpretations and beliefs surrounding 1844 is thought-provoking.

    One question that arises for me is what specific biblical texts or prophecies are associated with the events of 1844? I would be interested in learning more about the scriptural basis for the belief that this year holds a significant place in eschatology and the Second Coming of Christ.

    Additionally, I wonder about the historical context surrounding the anticipation and fervor leading up to 1844. What were the societal, cultural, or religious factors that contributed to the development of these beliefs and interpretations? Understanding the broader context can provide valuable insights into the origins and evolution of these theological ideas.

    The article acknowledges the diversity of perspectives within different Christian traditions regarding the events of 1844. I am curious to explore how these interpretations vary and what theological frameworks or historical understandings inform these different viewpoints. How do these diverse perspectives shape the practices and beliefs of various Christian denominations?

    As a reader, I appreciate the writer’s summary, which highlights the broad theme of the article and introduces the concept of 1844’s significance in Christian circles. The exploration of this topic opens up a fascinating discussion about biblical interpretation, prophecy, and the diversity of beliefs within the Christian faith.

    I invite fellow readers to share their knowledge, insights, and personal experiences related to the events of 1844 in Christian theology. Let’s engage in a respectful dialogue to deepen our understanding of this intriguing subject and appreciate the diversity of perspectives that exist within the Christian tradition.

    Thank you, The Christian Advocate, for shedding light on this thought-provoking topic and providing an opportunity for exploration and discussion.

    1. Greetings, Dawayne – The prophetical Scriptural basis for 1844 is contained in the article. It includes the vision Daniel had and the fulfillment of the prophecy. Also, the empires mentioned can be found in secular history (Rome, Medo-Persian, etc.). The prophecy was fulfilled as Daniel’s vision predicted.
      It might be helpful to reread the article and study the chart provided. Here’s the link in case you need it: https://thechristianadvocate.org/what-is-1844-about/
      Thanks for commenting!

  20. Daniel,

    Thank you for sharing this detailed information about the year 1844. This was a unique, pivotal year in Christian history. You have done an amazing job of breaking this timeline down so that we can begin see its significance. It is evident that the world is going through evolutionary epic changes. Christians, in particular, are preparing for a great transformation and possibly, the 2nd coming of Christ. Don’t know about you, but I am totally excited.


  21. Daniel,

    Thank you for sharing this detailed information about the year 1844. This was a unique, pivotal year in Christian history. You have done an amazing job of breaking this timeline down so that we can begin see its significance. It is evident that the world is going through evolutionary epic changes. Christians, in particular, are preparing for a great transformation and possibly, the 2nd coming of Christ. Don’t know about you, but I am totally excited.


  22. This is truly a really interesting post.  I knew nothing about this, before this post landed on my screen, yet I could not stop reading.  Its really interesting.  Thank you. 

    It seem the year 1844, in the Bible and history, has great significance.  So, this is where the Great Disappointment of 1844 comes from? I know of this event, predicted by someone, that didn’t happen, and everyone was greatly disappointed.  If I remember correctly it’s about he second coming of Jesus, Your post speaks about it.  

    Never have I read this part in the Bible before, I just loved the visions, especially the interpretation.  I grew up in a church community that believes all written in the Bible is spiritual.  This explanation, or interpretation blew my mind.  

    I am really glad I came across this post today, thank you again, for a great entertaining read.  I had fun.  

    1. Greetings, Marlene – I am so glad that you enjoyed the article. Yes, 1844 was the year of the Great Disappointment. The date was correct, but the event was incorrect. The prediction was based on Dan 8:14, which reads, “And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” This verse is part of the 2300 day prophecy mentioned in the article.

      It was mistakenly interpreted to mean the earthly sanctuary, indicating Christ’s return. But actually, it refers to Jesus and the heavenly sanctuary. If you want to read more about the heavenly sanctuary post-1844, see this article, https://thechristianadvocate.o

      Thanks for commenting!

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