How to Talk with God

How to Talk with God

Christianity is about having a relationship with God through Christ. How is your relationship with God? Do you talk with Him? This article sheds light on how to talk with God.

How to talk with God

The people of God have been given a special gift. That gift is prayer. Prayer is the means by which we communicate with God and how we talk with God. It is through prayer that we—make our requests known to God (Philippians 4:6), we bless the Lord (Ps. 103:1), Praise the Lord (Ps. 145:2), and give thanks to the Lord (Ps. 100:4).

Communication is vital for a meaningful relationship, and our relationship with God is no exception.

Prayer is also a weapon God has given us in the battle between good and evil.

The Power of Prayer

Jesus is our best example of the use of prayer. He believed in the power of prayer. Before Jesus began His ministry in choosing His disciples, He prayed. Before the day’s activities in the morning, He prayed. Before going to Jerusalem to be crucified, He prayed.

How to Talk with God

There is a passage of Scripture that illustrates the outline of Jesus’s prayer life. Mark 1:35

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

The three things to note in this text are:

1. Jesus prayed in the morning before daylight. This action was Jesus’ pattern. One thing that gives power and effectiveness to our prayers is to have a regular time to pray. It doesn’t have to be early before day, but a standard time set aside for prayer. Just as we have a regular time for other activities such as work, eating and sleeping, we must have a time for prayer. If our prayers are irregular in days and times, we won’t have a very significant prayer life resulting in an insignificant relationship with Christ.

Therefore, it is crucial that we establish a regular time for prayer. For most, it may be early in the morning, while for others, it may not be so much because we have various schedules. However, the point is a regular time for daily prayer. Prayer should be a lifestyle, not a life jacket.

2. The next thing to notice is that Jesus “departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” Jesus had a solitary place to pray. It is vital to have a designated place to pray. A quiet place that will not be subject to distractions that hinder the communication between us and God.

3. Next, the Scripture says, “…and there prayed.” Jesus apparently prayed silently at this time. However, it is essential to note that there is something special about praying out loud.

In other passages, He prayed out loud. Matthew 26:39 reads;

39. And going forward a little he fell upon his face, praying and saying, My Father, if it be possible let this cup pass from me; but not as I will, but as thou [wilt].

The Scripture mentions “praying and saying.”

Matthew 26:42 reads:

42. Again going away a second time he prayed saying, My Father, if this cannot pass [from me] unless I drink it, thy will be done.

Again, the Scripture mentions, “…prayed saying”

Matthew 26:44 reads:

44. And leaving them, he went away again and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.

Jesus’ prayers in Gethsemane were vocal ones.

Hebrews 5:7 makes this point clear.

7. Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;

How to Talk with God

Praying out loud shows a vital sincerity toward God. Jesus, as the Scripture reads, “…offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tearsto God. Jesus is our example of earnest surrender to God.

Although we can pray silently, if we want the most meaningful relationship with God, we need to have a time to pray, have a place to pray, and pray out loud to Him.

Praying silently allows our minds to wander. However, praying out loud and formulating words stimulates the brain so that when our mind wanders, we can recognize it faster and refocus.

Another way of communicating with God through prayer is to use the Scriptures in prayer. Prayer is our talking to God, and the Scriptures are God speaking to us. One way is to use the Psalms; read a Scripture or a passage of Scripture, agree with it, and make it a part of your prayer.

A final way of communicating with God through prayer is to use the acronym ACTS.How to Talk with God

A. adoration

C. confession

T. thanksgiving

S. supplication

With a piece of paper:

Think of all the reasons to adore Jesus (e.g., I adore you Lord as my savior)

Confess whatever you know in your heart needs confessing of

Offer up Thanksgiving for the blessing that God has bestowed on you.

Mention the supplications and the requests you desire to make with humility.

After these are written down, kneel in your place of prayer and pray them to the Lord.

As mentioned earlier, prayer is the weapon God has given us in the battle between good and evil.

In Ephesians 6, Paul encourages the engaging of the armor of God. He closes that exposition in verse 18 by writing, “…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” NKJV

Although prayer is not included as a weapon in the previous verses, prayer is the wrap-around in moving forward with our armor. As we take the sword of the Spirit, God’s Word, we must also pray “always” while being “watchful” for Satan’s attacks. Satan attacks when we don’t expect it; therefore, we must be on the alert to pray when the need arises. No Christian is off the hook from being Satan’s target. Therefore, all Christians require our prayer support. No Christian can stand alone in this battle.

Prayer is a gift to us, not possessed by any other creature on earth. Genesis 1:26 reads, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:” God created man after His likeness in that we are, in addition to physical beings, we are spiritual ones. Unlike other created beings, we have the ability to communicate with God through our minds and mouths with prayer.

However, because of sin, the communication between God and man became greatly hindered. As time passed, communication was possible only through the intercession of a high priest. The barrier between man and God was broken with the birth, life, sacrificial death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we can talk with God uninhibited (Hebrews 4:16). Through His Holy Spirit, God communicates with us through our minds as well as His Word. As the Scripture reads, “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” Ephesians 6:18

Praying in the Spirit means that the Spirit helps us when we pray (Romans 8:26); the Spirit prays on our behalf (Romans 8:27); the Spirit makes God accessible (Ephesians 2:18); the Spirit gives us confidence when we pray (Romans 8:15-16; Galatians 4:6). He inspires and guides us when we pray. He helps us communicate with God and brings God’s response to us.

Prayer is the gift that keeps on giving. May we use this gift wisely and effectively, never taking it for granted.

Elements for Effective Prayer
Pray diligently!

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40 thoughts on “How to Talk with God”

  1. I agree with the article’s view that praying in the Spirit is a powerful gift. The Holy Spirit not only supports and guides us during prayer but also helps us connect with God more deeply. This makes prayer a valuable and ongoing resource that we should use wisely and with gratitude.

  2. Hi,

    This another great post! Prayer is a great privilege for Christians that sometimes we think we can go without. Our church is prioritizing prayer in ways that we haven’t done before. Our pastoral team often says: “We don’t pray and then work. Prayer is the work.” They are not saying that it is laborious to pray, but they are saying we can’t work until we pray. Prayer is the most important work of the believer. 

    I like A.C.T.S. I have often taught that acronym when I was a youth leader. It serves as a good reminder how to talk with God. 

    Thanks for the great post and work you do. 

    – Scott

    1. For sure Scott – Prayer is indeed the vital work of a Christian. It is the privilege that really allows us to express our hearts to God.

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. The article explores the concept of prayer or spiritual communication, offering guidance on how individuals can develop and deepen their relationship with a higher power.The article emphasizes the importance of establishing a personal connection with God through conversation.A key aspect of talking with God is authenticity. The article encourages readers to be genuine and honest in their prayers or spiritual practices. Your advice on incorporating spiritual practices into daily life is beneficial. Establishing a routine for prayer or reflection can help individuals stay connected and grounded in their faith. 

    By providing practical advice, emphasizing authenticity, encouraging regular practice, addressing challenges, and potentially incorporating diverse perspectives, the article helps readers develop a deeper and more meaningful connection with the divine.

    Your article provides insightful and practical advice for individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and build a meaningful relationship with God.

  4. I commend you for your faith and dedication to prayer. While I’m not religious and don’t really believe in organised religions as such, I do appreciate the positive impact faith can have on people’s lives. I witnessed this first hand when my father passed away. He was ready to go to God, which his faith caused him to believe would happen. I suppose faith and religion are two separate things and if praying gives one peace and comfort then it is a good thing. 

    1. Greetings, Lyn – Faith and religion are not separate. Individuals must have faith in what they believe, or it will be futile. This statement is especially true for Christianity. Scripture makes this clear in Heb 11:6, which reads: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
      To have a relationship with God, we must have faith and believe that He is—that He exists.
      This article may clarify further, What is faith about?

      Thanks for commenting!

  5. Hi Nathaniel 

    Reading your post has deepened my understanding of the importance of maintaining a personal connection with God through prayer. The article emphasizes that talking to God is not just a religious ritual but a vital part of nurturing a relationship with Him. I like how the article encourages open, honest conversations with God, highlighting that prayer is a powerful tool for finding peace, guidance, and strength in our daily lives. This perspective has made me realize that talking to God is more than just seeking answers—it’s about building a trusting, loving relationship that sustains us through all of life’s challenges.

    I appreciate how the article also breaks down the different ways to communicate with God, from traditional prayers to simply speaking from the heart. It’s a reminder that there’s no right or wrong way to approach God, and that He is always listening, regardless of how we choose to reach out. I like the idea that by regularly talking to God, we can cultivate a deeper sense of spiritual fulfillment and clarity in our lives. The article inspires an ongoing dialogue with God, which I believe is crucial for personal growth and spiritual well-being. Amazing!!!

    1. Amen, Annastasia – prayer is indeed crucial for spiritual growth and a quality relationship with God. There’s no such thing as too much prayer!

      Thanks for commenting!

  6. This article offers a deeply enriching perspective on how to cultivate a meaningful relationship with God through prayer. I’ve found that setting a dedicated time and place for prayer, as emphasized here, really helps in maintaining a consistent connection with God. Like the author, I’ve experienced the profound impact of structured prayer routines, which have significantly enhanced my spiritual life.

    One aspect that resonates with me is the power of vocalizing prayers. I’ve noticed that praying out loud, especially during moments of intense emotional need, helps me articulate my thoughts and feelings more clearly. It’s fascinating how this practice can refocus our wandering minds and deepen our communication with God.

    I’m curious, though: while the article covers various aspects of prayer, are there specific practices or personal experiences with prayer that you believe might offer additional insights or guidance?

    1. Greetings, Don – The only other insight I can offer is that it should be sincere when we pray. Even if we pray the same prayer daily, God will honor it if it is sincere and from the heart.

      Thanks for commenting!

  7. I am someone who is new to finding their faith and after returning to church have struggled to find my way of speaking with god. I find it daunting to find time to separate my personal activities to allow time to put aside for my “chats” although from your article you have reminded me that this should not be a chore but something I should add in as a daily activities that I can complete first thing instead of scrolling on the socials.
    Thank you for guiding me

    1. I’m glad to be of help, Clair. That is what it is all about. As the Scripture reads in Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” We must help and encourage one another in the Lord.

      I pray that you will continue to grow in the Lord.

      Thanks for commenting!

  8. Prayer provides a sense of comfort and solace during difficult times. It can help individuals feel connected to a higher power or something greater than themselves, offering peace and emotional relief.Prayer can help individuals build mental and emotional resilience by fostering a sense of hope and faith. This resilience can be crucial in facing life’s challenges and uncertainties.

  9. Great insights on prayer! I agree that having a consistent time and place for prayer can really help deepen your connection with God. I also find that praying out loud and using Scripture can make the experience more meaningful. How do you personally incorporate these practices into your daily life?

    Kind rgds,


    1. Greetings, Jose – I pray every morning out loud, including Scripture, before my morning power walk.

      Prayer…don’t leave home without it!

      Thanks for commenting!

  10. I feel incredibly blessed to have stumbled upon this article—it’s an absolute gem. The depth and clarity with which it explores the power and importance of prayer in our relationship with God are genuinely enlightening. 

    You beautifully explain how to talk with God, emphasizing the significance of having a dedicated time and place for prayer and the profound impact of praying out loud.

    Your article’s insights into Jesus’s prayer life and the practical advice on incorporating Scripture into our prayers are invaluable. Your guide is not just a set of instructions but a heartfelt invitation to deepen our spiritual connection. 

    I’m so fortunate to have found such a comprehensive and thoughtful resource—it has truly enriched my understanding of prayer and its role in our spiritual journey.

    I will be sharing this with others.  We need it.


    1. Greetings, earlofpearl – I am delighted that the article has blessed you. Where would we be without prayer?

      Thanks for commenting!

  11. In Luke 18:1 Jesus said that man should always pray and not faint, from these very words of Jesus we see the need and the importance of prayer. It is the communication line by which we don’t only talk to God but our relationship with God is built and grows through our prayer life and it’s through prayer that we receive revelation from God and also directions for our life and fulfilling our divine purpose. Prayer is the Christian lifeline that connects us from earth to heaven.

  12. Such a powerful and uplifting message about the importance of prayer! I appreciate how this article breaks down the different aspects of how to communicate with God, from setting a regular time and place for prayer to the significance of praying out loud. The practical tips, like using Scripture in prayer and the ACTS method, are really helpful for deepening one’s prayer life. It’s a great reminder that prayer is not just a routine, but a powerful gift and weapon in our spiritual journey. Thank you for sharing this!

  13. This is a very helpful guide on how we can talk to God. Communication is so important in any relationship, as with a breakdown of communication, the relationship often breaks down as well. So it is very interesting to see that our communication with God, is through prayer. 

    You mention that having a specific time of the day to pray, is vital for a good relationship with God. But with the busy lives that most of us have, praying at the same time each day might be a challenge. So do you have tips and ideas on how to establish a daily prayer time? Thank you. 

    1. Greetings, LineCowley – For sure our lives are busy these days. The first thing is to recognize that finding a time for prayer is an exercise of sacrifice. This sacrifice is something that we must be willing to make. It is the same with making time to study the Word.

      We must approach managing our time like managing our finances by prioritizing what is essential. Perhaps a time of prayer can replace a current activity or, rising a few minutes earlier or hitting the sack a few minutes later.

      Once a time is established, follow through. Adjusting will take effort initially, but as time prevails, it will become easier and part of your routine. Don’t allow any distractions to deter your efforts. I suggest turning off your phone, computers, and televisions, making it as quiet as possible.

      Once established, be on guard against allowing your prayers to become dry or mundane…focus and keep them sincere.

      Always remember that the enemy desires to distract and discourage our relationship with God. So be strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10). This is only part of the ongoing Spiritual Warfare.

      Thanks, as always.

  14. Hello Nathaniel,

    It is very rare that we find a website dedicated completely to God and I absolutely admire you for this.  As a Christian man myself, I am so happy to see you step out in faith and create a blog with what you believe.

    I hope God’s blessings will help you continue to follow your path and continue building and creating content on your site.

    Thank you,

    Mike Powers

    Cabin Living Today

    1. Greetings, Mike – Your kind words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. I wish the Lord’s blessing upon you as well.

      Many thanks!

  15. Hello Nathaniel,

    This article offers a thoughtful exploration of prayer as a means of communicating with God. I appreciate the emphasis on establishing a routine and a designated space for prayer, which can truly deepen one’s relationship with God. The discussion on the power of vocal prayer is particularly insightful, it is a reminder that expressing our prayers out loud can enhance sincerity and focus. 

    Using Scriptures in prayer is also a great tip, as it allows us to align our conversations with God’s Word. Overall, the practical advice here encourages a more intentional and engaged prayer life, which can significantly enrich one’s spiritual journey. 

    Thank you for sharing these valuable insights!

  16. I love the ACTS acronym, it sums up the way we can all communicate with God perfectly! I always remember to be watchful and thankful, to continue to give thanksgiving for all the blessings God has bestowed on us, and ask for what we want according to His will. Sometimes, you may ask for something but God will not grant it to you because this is not for you!

  17. I am. a Buddhist, so I do not pray, but I live in Japan, where a common expression everyone uses is ‘pray.’ This demonstrates a belief in the invisible world. Buddhist believe that words are mantras and so they are used extremely carefully. We don’t talk to Buddha because we are also a Buddha in the making – or Bodhisattva. Instead we prefer silence and imagery. Solitude is nice, but we can meditate anywhere. Have you ever meditated? I think you would be surprised how much more powerful it is than talking to an invisible, omnipotent God.

  18. Hi Nathaniel

    The article “How to Talk with God” presents a thoughtful approach to deepening one’s spiritual relationship through prayer. It outlines the significance of prayer as a means of communication with God, drawing on biblical examples, especially from the life of Jesus. The emphasis on having a regular time, a designated place, and praying out loud offers a structured approach to making prayer a more meaningful practice.

    For someone on the fence, there are compelling aspects to consider. On the one hand, practical advice to those seeking to establish a more disciplined spiritual life. The idea that prayer can be a powerful tool for navigating life’s challenges is encouraging, especially for those who may feel adrift or disconnected.

    However, for those skeptical or uncertain about religious practices, the structured nature of the advice might seem rigid or overly prescriptive. The suggestion that praying out loud or following specific steps (like the ACTS method) is essential could feel restrictive, particularly for individuals who value a more spontaneous or personal approach to spirituality.

    The article provides valuable insights for those looking to enhance their prayer life, it might be perceived as too formulaic for those who prefer a less conventional path to spiritual connection.

    All the best


    1. Greetings, Robbie – The unstructured approach to seeking God is probably the reason why individuals are on the fence to begin with. Any relationship requires communication, and communication requires effort. Especially initially. Structure seems to be what we need in this “free” seeking society of ours. This freedom being sought has led to the loose morals we witness today.

      God is a god of order and appreciates structure and order. Genesis displays God’s creation power exercised in an orderly and structured fashion. As Scripture instructs in 1 Cor 14:40,

      “Let all things be done decently and in order.”
      Approaching Him in prayer is no exception.

      Prayer is a form of worship, and Scripture also reads in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

      If one is serious about having a relationship with God. In that case, it behooves them to remove themselves from the fence and take serious steps to communicate with Him. Discipline is a valuable tool in this effort.

      Thanks for commenting!

  19. Talking to God and learning how to communicate with Him is one of the most significant and transformative experiences a person can undertake. This spiritual connection is not just a practice but a vital necessity for anyone seeking to lead a life of true fulfillment and purpose. By fostering a deep and ongoing relationship with God, you open yourself to guidance, wisdom, and peace that surpasses human understanding. It’s an essential step for anyone who desires a meaningful and enriched life on earth and the hope of a positive and eternal future beyond this world. Thank you for sharing this insightful article; it truly underscores the profound impact spiritual communication can have on our lives. Blessings 

  20. The tips you shared for creating a meaningful connection through prayer are truly inspiring. I especially liked the emphasis on honesty and openness in conversations with God. I’m curious, though—do you think incorporating different forms of prayer, like journaling or meditation, can enhance this connection even more? It’d be great to hear your thoughts on integrating these practices into daily life.

    1. Greetings, Andy – Your question is a tough one. It depends on what one is meditating on and what they are journaling. Sorry that I can’t elaborate more.

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