Prophecy contributes a significant portion to the entire canon of Scripture, some fulfilled, some not yet. The prophecies that haven’t been fulfilled include the end time. This article addresses Bible prophecy and end times.
What is Prophesy?
A prophecy is a forecast of events that will occur in the future. The Author of prophecy in the Bible is God.
When we think of prophecy, we usually think of predictive prophecy. Specifically, we think of prophecy that predicts the future. The prophecy predicts
what will happen. However, there is another kind of prophecy that is called forth-telling
prophecy. Forth telling prophecy is when God speaks a word concerning the present.
When we speak about the number of prophecies that have been fulfilled, we are usually concerned about predictive prophecies — prophecies that will be fulfilled in God’s timing.
What is Prophecy’s Place in our Existence?
Prophecy induces us to have a proper fear of God, including having faith in Him and being obedient to His laws. Because numerous judgments are falling upon peoples and nations because of the disobedience to God’s law, we realize that commandment-keeping is essential for our relationship with our Creator (Matthew 19:17; Revelation 22:14).
Prophesy serves as a warning to us regarding future events. Jesus said in Matthew 24:22, “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
Here is Jesus’ statement containing a prophetical warning of the great tribulation coming in the future.
However, God has a plan by which we can be delivered from “this present evil age world” (Galatians 1:4) that we may avoid the great tribulation.
Prophesy shows us that God has a plan for this world.
The Scriptures state that just as in Noah’s day, most people in the future will also be unaware of God’s imminent intrusion. Matt 24:38-39 reads, “For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” NIV
Therefore, what are the signs of the end of this age? What will occur during this time of tribulation? Why will all this evil event befall mankind? Taking these prophecies into account, what does God expect of us? Rev 22:14 reads: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” The book of Revelation, which solely contains prophesy of the end times, states that those who keep God’s commandments will be saved from eternal damnation and receive eternal life.
Prophesy in the news. Observing biblical prophecy evolve while staying close to God is something Jesus strongly entreats us to do. In Luke 21:36 He said:
36 Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” NIV
Jesus stated that the purpose for our watching and praying is that we may “stand”—or take our “place before the Son of Man.” Moreover, God wishes to place us in the positions, “kings and priests” when Christ returns, and we will be serving under Him during His millennial reign on earth (Revelation 1:6; 5:10).
Observing prophecy aids us in remaining focused on God’s plan to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. In addition, it gives us the inspiration to get ready now so we can assist Christ to rule over those who survive the Great Tribulation and live during His coming millennial reign.
Biblical prophecy is a beautiful endowment from God. Through the lens of fulfilled prophecy, we can have sureness in what the Bible predicts. Through future prophecies, we can know what will occur in the future in advance.
The Validity of Scripture and its Relationship to Prophecy
The Bible continues to prove itself reliable through prophesy. Scripture gives a solid testimony to its validity by foretelling persons, places, and events, even hundreds of years before they are fulfilled.
Fulfilled prophecy proves the authenticity of Scripture. Christ fulfilled over 300 prophesies while He was on earth.
Prophecy fulfilled gives us assurance that God exists and that He will bring about what He has said about the future.
Given that prophecies of world-ruling kingdoms and just as the name of a specific ruler long before his existence have all come to pass, we can be confident that the rest of the Bible’s prophecies will also come about.
Bible Prophecy and End Times
The Scriptures play an extremely significant role in revealing the signs of the end times that indicate the return of Jesus Christ.

The Bible contains prophesy that prophesied the trends and events of today. For example, Jesus prophesied that there would be “famines,” lack of food—and “pestilences”—disease epidemics just before His return. Unfortunately, we are presently seeing just the beginning of these curses, which will increase to the point that they will have a massive effect on our entire way of life!
As noted earlier, Christ directly prophesied that our time would be like in the days of Noah. The days of Noah’s were typified by “wickedness” and was filled with “violence” (Genesis 6:5, 13), just as it is today. In addition, just like the days of Noah, we will be carrying on with life unaware of the return of Christ’s arrival.
Just as in Noah’s day, the world is full of wickedness and evil. The US leads the world with a prison population of thereabouts 0f 2.2 million, in incarcerations. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, just in 2013 alone, the United States saw a violent crime rate of about 23.2 victimizations per 1,000 people,
Throughout the country, endless reports about the rise of drug-related, violent crime and an overburdened justice system play a role with individuals feeling insecure about their safety. In excess of 68 percent of Americans surveyed by Gallup in 2011 felt that the crime in the US was gettint worse, despite reports of “declining” crime rates (“Most Americans Believe Crime in the U.S. is worsening,” October 31, 2011.) Moreover, in 2022, the problem has only progressed to a worsened state.
Further, Jesus said in Matt 24:6, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
This prophecy is being fulfilled in the Middle East. Militant Islam is currently spurring millions of people in opposition against the Western democracies, even as the U.S. military finds itself pushed to its limits in the “war against terrorism.”
We must understand that radical Muslim leaders’ ultimate goal is to dominate the world in the idea that all people either become Muslims and totally submit to Muslim domination or ultimately be wiped out!
Militant Islam is setting the stage for a dramatic completion of Biblical prophecy. Armageddon is to take place in the Middle East (Rev. 16:16).
However, as of late, not only militant Islam but President Putton also wants to conquer the world. This ruthless, barbaric, and narcissistic leader is shedding innocent blood to quench his thirst for power. So now, there is war in Europe. This war is a war that will only intensify if Putton decides to push beyond Ukraine. Additionally, he has already heightened the concern for nuclear war.
The book of Revelation reveals the dramatic end-time events leading up to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation chapter 6 contains the events that lead up to the Day of the Lord. All of who are living on earth will see dramatic and frightening actions in the skies. Revelation 6:12–14
describes these heavenly signs as the sixth seal. Jesus said: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken” (Matthew 24:29). The celestial signs described in this Scripture pave the way for “the Day of the Lord” (Joel 2:30–31), which is the year of the Lord’s judgment on the nations. Then, after these events, the Messiah—Jesus Christ—will rule all nations on earth (Revelation 11:15).
So, what role will Jerusalem play in the coming kingdom? Will it indeed be the imminent capital of the world? Will it perhaps be in our lifetime? Scripture gives us an excellent and encouraging forecast. In Isaiah 2:1-2, it reads, “The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. (2) Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.” NIV
In biblical prophecy, mountains symbolize kingdoms or governments (Jeremiah 51:24–25). Isaiah stated plainly that the Lord’s Kingdom would be established in Jerusalem and that “all nations shall flow to it” (Isa. 2:2, Mic. 4:1). This kingdom will not be a government in the hands of self-centered humans. Since it has rejected God’s rulership and sovereignty over the affairs of man, humanity does not know the way to lasting peace.
God’s government on earth will be dispensed from Jerusalem, the world’s future capital, as Zechariah confirmed with a delightful description of life there in the future. Notice what it reads in Zech 8:3-5
3 Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.
4 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for very age.
5 And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof.
However, today, the streets of Jerusalem are filled with bitter enemies who share a rich heritage and history—but also share a history of conflict.
But change is coming in the future, and it is all contained in Scripture. Since previous Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled, we can trust that prophecies concerning the future will come to pass.
So, without prophecy, we would not be aware of these significant forthcoming events, leaving us to be blindsided and consequently lost. But God, who is merciful and wise, has made way for us to be aware. As the Scripture informs us in Amos 3:7, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” NIV
Any questions, comments, concerns, or experiences with prophecy may be left below.
Enjoyed reading this. We may have other opinions about this but I am very open to this kind of discussion. Others believe that Revelation was not meant for that reason, that we should avoid it at all costs, and that we become distracted from our primary mission.When individuals read the Book of Revelation, they are confronted with a bewildering number of symbolism. Some, particularly in the late twentieth century, have become extremely well-known. I do have a question though: When was the Book of Revelation written?
Hello Martina – The Book of Revelation was written during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian, sometime around AD 81-96.
Thanks for commenting.
This is a really great site you have with wonderful information on God’s word. I am just getting back into reading my bible after way too many years of just calling myself a Christian, but not doing the things I need to do to really be a Christian. It hasn’t been like riding a bike for me. It’s like starting all over, but I am getting there.
It’s great that your getting back to reading and applying God’s Word. I pray that you will continue and encourage others to do so as well.
Thanks for commenting, and have a blessed day!
You definitely took us to church with that sermon. Some people do fear what is to come and while a self-fulfilling prophecy is about as scary as a predictive prophecy we usually ignore the signs of disaster and press forward wondering why things have gotten so hard. If we follow the word and pay attention to the signs we would not have to deal with as much personal disappointment. While our time is coming near we may not be ready. Once the words have been spoken it shall be done as his will commands.
You are so right, Alex. We need to heed the Word of God and act accordingly…“be ye anxious for nothing…” Jesus said these things must come to pass.
Thanks for commenting!
Thank you so much on sharing your thoughts and research on Biblical prophecy. It is obvious you have given this subject a lot of study. I really thought about what Jesus said in the verse you shared from Luke 21:36, and it resonated with me. It’s amazing how so much of what was written in the bible is still relevant today, and can benefit us in our everyday lives by showing us the ways to live meaningful and moral lives.
Thank you so much on sharing your thoughts and research on Biblical prophecy. It is obvious you have given this subject a lot of study. I really thought about what Jesus said in the verse you shared from Luke 21:36, and it resonated with me. It’s amazing how so much of what was written in the bible is still relevant today, and can benefit us in our everyday lives by showing us the ways to live meaningful and moral lives.
Yes Randi, Luke 21:36 is a powerful Scripture. Unfortunately the world has turned away from the Bible for the most part. It is sad because the world would be a much better place if it followed God’s handbook for life.
Thanks for commenting!
The Bible was written thousands of years ago and what is so amazing is that everything that we experience or see in today’s world the Bible talks about it. The Word of God is True and we need His Word in order to live the Abundant Life that He (Jesus) Offers.
We are living in the end times base on Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, and 2 Timothy all talk about events that will happen as a warning that we are in the last days so let’s give our lives to Jesus so when He comes we will be ready to go home with Him in Glory!!!!!!!!!
Amen Norman! We must take heed to what the Scriptures tell us. As Jesus said in Matt 24:44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” NIV
Thanks for commenting!
I am very interested in end time bible prophecy. You can get some information from Revelations, but it goes much deeper.
I have a referend fear of God. He is Almighty, and we have to do the right thing to experience his blessings.
We have to look at what is happening around us – floods, famine, wars, earthquakes and pestilence (coronavirus).
These are all the signs of the end times. And people like in the old times are still eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage without noticing that the end is near.
We have to be vigilant, pray, and prepare for Jesus to come back very soon.
We also need to spread the message of the Good News to warn people so they may not be lost forever.
Now is the time to get serious in our Christian walk so we will not fall short of the price.
Geat article again. Thank You
Amen – Time is drawing nigh, and we must be ready!
I truly appreciate your comments!
It is amazing to see that 300 prophecies from the Bible have already been fulfilled, which is definitely all the proof you need that the Bible was written by God. Reading about end times is scary, but I think it could also be a great time as all suffering will hopefully end and people can be reunited with their loved ones.
The only thing that is very confusing is the way all the different religions translate the Bible. It is like there are so many different truths, and everyone believes their truth is the right one.
For sure , Michel fulfilled prophecy proves the authenticity of Scripture. Indeed the Day of the Lord will be a time of rejoicing for those who are in the will of God but a day of terror for those who are not.
You are correct; even members of the same religion interpret the Bible differently. What determines how one interprets is what is in one’s heart. The more we yield to the Spirit of God for guidance, the more we are open to receiving the truth.
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Such a great post! I have recently began my journey to god and self discovery through that so this post was really eye opening for me and i thank you for that. I really liked how you took quotes from the bible and then spoke on those quotes really nice post. God bless.
Greetings, Isarc, and congratulations on starting your journey with God. I am so happy to know that the article has further opened your eyes to the goodness of the Lord. I pray that you will continue your journey as you grow in Christ. It may be helpful to meditate on this passage of Scripture contained in 2 Peter 1:3-10.
God bless, and thanks for commenting!
I have lived through a number of world events that preachers liked to point to as evidence that we were headed towards the ends times and the catastrophic prophecies of revelation. Spoiler alert: it didn’t happen.
While I do find some inspirational teachings of value in the bible, stories designed to use fear as a motivator do not fall into that category.
Hello Aly – You’re correct; there are prophecies in Revelation that haven’t been fulfilled yet. Spoiler alert: they will be. Many of today’s events fulfill other prophecies (e.g., Matthew 24) that will lead to events in Revelation. It really isn’t about fear but about knowledge that will assist us in making wise choices. It’s totally up to us.
Thanks for commenting.
Hi, I’m a Christian, but I didn’t quite believe in the prophecy. If it’s true then we can avoid all the bad things, isn’t it? I prefer to enjoy life and live my life with unpredictable events. Going ups and downs while still having faith in God. But, I really enjoyed reading your argument in this article. It’s really nice and well written.
Hi Sugiya – I appreciate your comments. Prophecy doesn’t necessarily allow us to prevent the “bad things”; rather, it allows us to be prepared for them. Overall, Scripture helps us avoid the consequences of making wrong choices in life. It also helps us to go through the ups and downs based on our faith in God. It is better to be forewarned and forearmed than to be blindsided, especially regarding eternity.
Thanks again for commenting!
I am not particularly religious, but I did enjoy reading the content of your site; I liked the way it was formatted, with pictures along the way. Very well written and joyful to read. This website can be very educative to those that follow religion a bit better than I do.
Hello Alicia – I am happy that you enjoyed the article and the website even though you aren’t religious. Perhaps as time goes by, you will become more interested in the things of God. I wish you the best.
Thanks for commenting!
I was raised Catholic and through the years have been very distant from the teachings. I want to start reading the Bible but find it hard to read, so I give up. Is there a version of the Bible that is easier to read and comprehend?