Not many of us realize the effects of the French Revolution on present and future events. What is more impressive is that all of it is contained in Biblical prophecy. This article will attempt to dig into some of these prophecies to illustrate their significance in confirming past events and revealing future ones.
The text for review is Daniel 11:40-45, and it reads:
40. “At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through.
41. He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon.
42. He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43. He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels.
44. But news from the east and the North shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many.
45. And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him. NKJV
These verses represent a summary of end-time events. This passage is a condensed description of what is outlined in Revelation chapters 13, 17, and 18.
The King of the North vs. The King of the South
The King of the North
The king of the North and the King of the South represents a war for world domination. We first see this war’s materialization after Alexander the Great’s death. In Daniel chapter 8, Daniel used symbolism containing animal imagery to describe the sequence of three major kingdoms: Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. This is described in detail in the article What is 1844 About on this website.
When Alexander the Great died, His generals (four of them) started battling in the Diadochi wars, and the kingdom split into northern, southern, western, and eastern territories. In time, these territories were consolidated into two territories: the territory of the North and the territory of the South. The power that controlled the northern region became the King of the North, and the power that controlled the southern region became the King of the South. There were wars between these two kingdoms. After centuries of fighting, Rome took over the northern kingdom and Egypt the southern kingdom. But that’s not the end of the story.
These two kingdoms continued to war against one another. Rome, AKA Pagan Rome, defeated Egypt and became a world empire sometime during 168 BC.
After centuries as a world empire, Pagan Rome became known as Papal Rome, a physical/spiritual Kingdom known as the Holy Roman Empire. At that time, the church controlled the state. It was the mingling of spiritual and physical kingdoms and lasted for hundreds of years (1,290) in Western Europe. This period, known as the Dark Ages, was when they exalted themselves in place of God, changing His Laws and even persecuting those who rejected their authority.
The influence of Catholicism would give the Church power to control the secular governmental authorities during the Dark Ages, allowing them to maintain authority over the state. Consequently, the church ruled the state through a religious ideology. The Papacy, AKA Catholic Church, had won the War for World denomination and carried the title, The King of the North.
The King of the South
Now that the King of the North has been identified, who was the King of the South? In verse 40 of our passage, Daniel refers to “the time of the end.” This is a time of the future. Daniel states that when this period arrives, we will see the re-emergence of the king of the South, Egypt, who will push against the King of the North. Thus, the king of the South, Egypt, would attempt to take the crown from the King of the North, also known as the Papacy of the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire.
It is important to note that things have changed considerably regarding the struggle for world domination. The most crucial of these changes was that the king of the North—Papal Rome was now a spiritual power ruling the secular governmental powers. After all, Papal Rome didn’t conquer and rule militarily as Pagan Rome did, but rather through religious influence.
Verse 40 establishes that “at the time of the end,” the “King of the South” (Egypt) “shall attack him” (the King of the North—Papal Rome). There will be a war between these two entities. However, this was not to be a physical war. Again, Rome became a spiritual kingdom known as the Holy Roman Empire, ruled by religious ideologies known as Romanism. Spiritual Egypt (the King of the South) had a different ideology: secularism and atheism, which was not God-given. Thus, this war was a war of ideologies.
Effects of the French Revolution
This different ideology, not God-given, was atheism. With the rise of atheism, the military might of France, and the rise of the ideologies of the French Revolution (i.e., liberty, equality, and fraternity), the citizens of France mocked the design that the Papacy had any power at all. One of the avenues to accomplish the goals of The French Revolution was the dechristianization of France.
The law La Constitution Civile du Clergé (The Civil Constitution of the Clergy) was passed on July 12, 1790, which resulted in the immediate subordination of the Catholic Church in France to the French government. The practice of religion was outlawed and converted to the cult of the Supreme Being, a deist state religion.
These actions manifested the idea of the separation of church and state; that religion should no longer be involved in governmental matters.

Another primary manifestation occurred on February 10, 1798, when French troops under the command of Napoleon raided Rome, captured Pope Pius VI, and took him as a prisoner to France, where he died in 1799. This arrest was when the Catholic church lost its influence over the Holy Roman Empire. This action also fulfilled the first part of the prophecy of verse 40, “At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him;…” NKJV
Undeniably, the French Revolution was pivotal in changing the grip of the King of the North (the Papacy) on world denomination.
This event also fulfilled the prophecy of John in Rev 13:3 NKJV, which reads, “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.” Beasts in prophecy represent political and religious powers. This beast symbolically describes the Papacy and the deadly wound represents losing its authority over secular issues. It’s also important to note that this wound will be healed. This symbolism is a harbinger that the Papacy will ultimately regain its authority over the world’s nations. For more information on this beast, please see the article, What is the Beast of Revelation on this website.
The Healing of the Deadly Wound
For the King of the North to regain their power and control of the world, they will have to defeat the world-dominating principles of secularism, which is the separation of church and state. Secularism is the underpinning of various political systems, including communism and socialism, as well as the majority of democratic governments in today’s world.
Secularism and atheism are the obstacles between the Papacy and the complete healing of the wound we saw in Revelation 13:3. Therefore, the King of the North must come against secularism with a “whirlwind” to regain power and influence.
Atheism and secularism will ultimately be conquered, and the Papacy, driven by the scheme of Romanism, will control the world once again. But how will this happen? How can such a drastic change take place? Especially when the majority of the nations of the world are firmly embedded in the principles of political atheism.
Transfer of Power
The conclusion of verse 40 addresses how the transfer of power from the King of the South to the King of the North will occur; it reads, “…and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. NKJV
The verse states that the Papacy (Romanism) will use chariots, horsemen, and ships. It is known that the Vatican does not have chariots, horsemen, ships, or any army. Therefore, the fact of the matter is that the Vatican would have to depend on the Italian military forces for protection. This is the exact situation during the Dark Ages, the dependence on the secular power of the state to provide defense and enforce their philosophies.
During the Dark Ages, the Papacy never conquered and maintained its power using a military force. In its place, they defeated the nations through the strength of religious manipulation, which gave them access to the minds and hearts of the kings, which gave them access to control the military strength of the nations of Europe. This mindset is what is prophesied in verse 40.
Through religious manipulation, described in Revelation 13, the Papacy will regain its control over the secular-atheist nations of the world. These nations will readily give their “chariots and horsemen” (armed might) to the Papacy, who will again use this influence to induce men’s consciences.
Another symbol in verse 40 relating to power and influence is ships. In the Scriptures, ships were used for diverse objectives, including travel in war. However, the vast use of ships in the Bible was for transporting goods and services to be bought and sold, much like cargo ships, freight trains, trucks, and vans presently do today.
The apparent takeaway of ships in this verse represents business and economic power. Therefore, the Chariots, horsemen, and ships through which the King of the North will conquer embody the secular nations’ military and financial power.
The King of the North is working to regain its power and soon will gain enough power and influence to enforce the mark of the Beast (Romanism).
Verse 41 NKJV reads, “He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon.”Here, we have more details of how the King of the North will defeat the King of the South.
The Scripture mentions the glorious land. To Daniel and Ezekiel, this would refer to Jerusalem. Today, we call this area the Holy Land, which has endured many conflicts, just as it did thousands of years ago. (The King of the North (Romanism) will seek to overthrow the glorious land.
It is important to note that with the rise of Christianity in the 1st century AD, a change occurred from God’s people being recognized as literal Israel to being recognized as spiritual Israel. With this being the case, there would no longer be a focus on a literal Kingdom but on a spiritual Kingdom where Jews and Gentiles are recognized as God’s people. As Paul wrote in Gal. 3:27-29 NKJV
27. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Therefore, the glorious land represents God’s people and will be the first to be attacked. The Scripture says that many will be overthrown when this attack occurs, meaning they will give up their faith.
This Scripture mentions Edom, Moab, and Ammon. There are no traces of these specific groups of people today. However, this symbolism represents a viable group of people. Edom was occupied by the Edomites, descendants of Esau, Jacob’s (Israel’s) twin brother (Gen. 36:9). As for Moab and Ammon, their history is delineated in Gen. 19:31-38. This passage yields the account of the incestuous acts committed by Lot’s daughters. It also sheds light on the fact that Moab and Ammon were the offspring of Lot, Abraham’s nephew. These individuals walk in the light of God through a connection with Abraham. Unfortunately, they fell away from the virtue and totality of their faith.
They essentially deserted the God of Abraham and welcomed heathen deities, or in some cases, they adopted a religion that combined Judaism with the worship of other gods.
However, it is important to note that God protected them and their land, as confirmed in Deut. 2:4-5, 2:17-19). Even though these three nations were not completely following God, He still loved them. He also loves the present-day Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites the same. But who do these groups of people represent today?
To answer that question, we begin by looking at the various Christian denominations, the Catholic Church, and other faith-based religions that share various collective principles of Christianity. However, many faith groups have not entirely continued in God’s light through Christ and his word. The most apparent rebuff of this light is perhaps in rejecting the 7th day Sabbath since most churches and religions have embraced a false day of worship. Most foremost among these are the Catholic Church and the Protestant churches that have accepted the Sunday Sabbath as a “mark of their (the Papacy’s) authority.”
Although these faith groups exist as spiritual relatives to “those that keep the Commandments of God,” many of these organized bodies have lost the truths they once held so dearly. Consequently, there will be a call to abandon the false teachings that the Papacy promotes, and every man, woman, and child will have their faith tested. Rev. 18:4 says, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Although they will not be following God totally as they should, He still refers to them as “his people.” He makes one final call to abandon the teachings of the false church. In prophecy, a woman is the symbol of the church. Thus, the Scripture says come Out Of Her.…that ye be not partakers of HER SINS.”
Back to verse 41, which says Edom, Moab, and Ammon will escape. This phase indicates that many from other denominations and faith groups will accept the Sabbath and enter into all-embracing conformity to the Commands of God. They will “escape” the false teachings of the papal authority and will not be overcome by Romanism.
When the king of the north attacks and the mark of the beast is commanded, the people of the glorious land, the Edomites, Moabites, and Amorites, will have to choose between submitting to the Commandments of God or the commandments of men. However, this test will not be limited to only the spiritual colleagues of the commandment keepers. We will see this in the next verse 42.
Verse 42 NKJV reads, “He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape.” The King of the North will wage his attack on all countries of the world, including Egypt. Why does the Scripture mention Egypt? Spiritual Egypt (The King of the South) represents secularism and atheism. It represents those who don’t believe in the true God or any god at all. The history of the physical Egypt is represented in Exodus. The Pharoah rejected God and His Command to free His people. In Ex. 5:2 NKJV he said, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go.”
The Scripture says, “the land of Egypt will not escape.” The question becomes, how will Egypt, seeped in atheism that doesn’t believe in God, accept the mark of the beast and worship the beast? Returning to physical Egypt and the Pharaoh, he was forced to acknowledge God undeniably after the ten plagues devastated Egypt (Exodus chapters 5-11).
A similar situation will transpire surrounding the enforcement of the mark of the beast. This condition is defined in Revelation 13:13-14. This prophecy describes the undeniable miracles: “great wonders” that will be performed. In essence, we see that miracles will be used to deceive people on earth into accepting and establishing the mark of the beast. This formation will be a worldwide spiritual war that will take place, seeing miracles used to deceive all of humanity.
Just as miracles were used to change the heart of Pharaoh, these miracles will be used to deceive the people on earth and to accept a false religious system, including spiritual Egypt, The King of the South. Jesus prophesied this when He said in Matthew 24:24-25 NIV, “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect — if that were possible. (25) See, I have told you ahead of time.”
Once this deception transpires, the Papacy will have all-embracing control over humanity, including its financial resources and judicial strength. This control will be even more evident in the next verse, 43.
Verse 43 NKJV reads, “He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels.
To be clear, the “he” mentioned here is the King of the North. To understand the symbols contained in this verse, gold and silver represent monetary wealth. After the deceptions in Revelation 13 take place and the world is deceived by signs and wonders, the secular and religious nations of the world will give their financial power to the Papacy. This capitulation will pave the way for the reality in Revelation 13: 17, which states that no man can buy or sell unless they have the mark of the beast. Some worldwide economic control will be required to enforce such a widespread law. Therefore, the king of the North will have power over the treasures of gold, silver, and all the precious things of Egypt (the secular world). Rev 13:3 sums this up, “and all the world wondered after the beast.”
The Scripture mentions the Libyans and The Ethiopians. In the Old Testament, during Daniel’s days, the Libyans and the Ethiopians were mighty military powers. The scriptures refer to them as the mighty men (Jeremiah 46: 9, 2 Chron. 12:1-3, 16:7-8). These verses also mention “horsemen and chariots” in verse 40, representing crushing military strength. These verses magnify the perception that the Ethiopians and Libyans will ultimately be at the king of the north steps, meaning they will come to him and willingly offer their service. As the Scripture reads, “follow at his heels.”
Verse 44 reads, “But news from the east and the North shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many. NKJV
This text underscores a development that will see the reports on declarations from the North and the East that will “trouble” the Papacy as an impending peril to its influence. Obviously, whatever these declarations will be, they will be in contrast by thwarting the principles, ideologies, and doctrines of Romanism. These declarations exemplify the proclamation of the gospel of salvation to humanity.
These are the declarations mentioned by Paul in Romans 10:13-15. More proclamations that encapsulate the gospel messages are found in The Three Angels Messages of Revelations 14:6-12 calling for the everlasting gospel to be given to the world and laying out the punishment for those who accept the mark of the beast—the false worship.
As for the East and the North, several biblical points must be considered.
– God is represented as being worshipped in the “side of the north.” (Isaiah 14:13). Lucifer was cast out of heaven for his desire to be worshipped “there.”
– On earth, Jerusalem was represented as the city of the great King, on the “sides of the north” (Psalms 48:2). This is where God had His temple placed so all would come and worship Him.
– Concerning the location of this earth, Jesus will appear to be coming from the east. (Matthew 24:27).
– Cyrus, a symbol of Jesus (Isaiah 44:28; 45:1), was the king from the east who destroyed literal Babylon. The coming of Jesus from the east will end the reign of spiritual Babylon.
It is apparent that these declarations out on the North and East serve as a message from God, whose throne is in the North is the only being worthy of worship. This development infuriates the King of the North.
The king of the North, driven by his fury, will use all the resources at his disposal to attack God’s people in an attempt to prevent them from spreading declarations such as The Three Angel’s Messages.
Keep in mind that the king of the North, the Papacy, will take possession of the Chariots and horsemen, representing the military and judicial power of the world. In addition, the Ethiopians and the Libyans, also representing the power of enforcement, will be at the King of the North’s steps to do his bidding. He will have control over the silver, gold, and all the precious things of Egypt, representing the financial power of the once-secular nations of the world. It will be declared that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed (Revelation 13:15). It is because of this that he will be able to enforce that those who don’t receive the mark of the beast or the name of the beast or the number of his name will not be able to buy or sell.
The King of the North (the Papacy) will ultimately be defeated. However, before he is defeated, he will make one last attempt to win the spiritual war that will be directed upon the world. This final attempt is illuminated in our text’s next and final verse.
Verse 45 reads, “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” When we looked at verse 41, we noted that the glorious holy mountain symbolizes God’s Commandment people. In this verse, we have another symbol, “the seas.” According to Revelation 17:15, seas represent “peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Another passage that sheds light on this definition is Isaiah 17:12.
In summary, the seas symbolize the multitude of people or the populated areas of the earth. This symbolism indicates that the King of the North (the Papacy) will seek to counteract the warning message by somehow getting in between the seas and the glorious holy mountain. This indicates that he will try to keep the multitudes from hearing the declarations from the North and the East mentioned in verse 44. These declarations will come from God’s Commandment keeping people.
Therefore, the king of the North will attempt to find a way to interrupt the declarations and prevent others from hearing the truth. As it has been noted, part of this process would be to impose persecution on those who will be unwilling to accept the mark of the beast. Those who reject the mark will not be allowed to buy or sell or be threatened with death. By implementing these restrictive measures, the Papacy will prevent many from joining God’s people for fear of persecution or death. In this sense, in addition to restricting the buying and selling of liberal goods and services, the Papacy will also seek to restrict the preaching and receiving of the gospel, the true worship. It is the preaching and receiving of the gospel that enables sinners to receive the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Satan, while operating through the Papacy, will try to inhibit humanity from receiving the truth—the pure, unadulterated gospel. Through intimidating tactics, he will make one last attempt to inhibit the spreading of the plan of salvation. This final battle will come in the form of a worldwide concerted effort to prevent God’s remnant people from sharing the gospel.
As we have already seen, the Papacy will have the entire world united on its side, seeming to have the upper hand in the battle between good and evil. Nonetheless, with all this power and influence, a change in the circumstances occurs in this darkest moment when it seems like the king of the North, the Papacy, will be victorious after regaining power and influence over the entire world. Verse 45 says that the king of the North (the Papacy) “will come to his end and none shall help him.”
This consequence will be connected to the outpouring of the seven last plagues that will fall on the earth to punish the Papacy and those that have made a union with this apostate power contained in Revelation 15 and 16, which will lead to the destruction of the King of the North.
Daniel 12:1 NKJV reads:
“At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book.”
The king of the North (the Papacy) and the nations that have made a league with him will ultimately be defeated. God will establish his kingdom, which is founded on righteousness and truth. We do not need to fear the threats of the King of the North and those who choose to join in with him. Daniel describes this time as a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that time (the seven last plagues).
However, even though the times will be distressing, the promise is given that God’s people shall be delivered, everyone that should be found written in the book. This promise should bring hope to us all. If we remain faithful and stand for God, we will be delivered, along with the other Saints throughout human history, and together, we will inherit the earth and establish it as God’s everlasting kingdom.
The Mediterranean Sea
We see this prophecy at work today in the Middle East.
Two World Powers are fighting for the Mediterranean Sea. Whoever gains control of the Mediterranean Sea will rule the Middle East. Iran [The King of the South?] now has control of the Red Sea and is presently fighting off the Mediterranean Sea.
Germany has a geostrategic vision. It is very central to their thinking that the Mediterranean must be a top priority, and they must control it.
There is a war between Iran and Germany [the Holy Roman Empire] to control the Mediterranean Sea. This conflict will lead to the Ten Kings of the Holy Roman Empire that will control the Middle East because they will get control of the Mediterranean Sea. Germany is allying itself with what is called the “moderate” Arabs, who give them all help to each other against Iran, which really has control of the Middle East at this time.
One of Iran’s proxies—Yemen’s Houthi terror group announced on May 3, 2024, that they will begin targeting Israel-bound ships in the eastern Mediterranean in what they call their “fourth phase of escalation.” This action is preparation for serious war. Presently, they essentially control the Red Sea. Iran will soon have nuclear weapons.
Twenty-one years ago, the President of the EU, Romano Prodi, said an EU policy for the Mediterranean area was in the making. They have been making plans to gain control of the Mediterranean Sea. Germany wanted the Balkans because it is bordered by the Adriatic Sea which leads into the Mediterranean Sea! This yearning is Germany’s great world vision. [This is going to be the seventh head of the Holy Roman Empire]
Malta is now an EU member, which yields a lot of control over the Mediterranean Sea.
Cyprus will contribute very prominently to the power of Germany taking over the Mediterranean Sea because they control the economy of Cyprus, which is just a relatively short distance from Iran and Jerusalem. This is just another critical strategic interest that Germany has.
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire are regaining control of the Mediterranean Sea they have ruled throughout history, losing it after World War 2.
Die Welt, the German newspaper, reads in its April 14, 2024 edition, “The German navy is already securing commercial shipping as part of an EU mission in the sea area that could soon become a hot battlefield.”
It appears that the prophecy in verse 40, “the time of the end.” is on the horizon. Therefore, as Jesus said in Luke 21:36 NKJV, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
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