The remnant of God is a theological concept that is carried throughout the Scriptures. But what exactly is the remnant of God? What is a remnant? This article will answer these questions.
What is a Remnant?
According to Webster’s Dictionary, a remnant is a usually small part, member, or trace remaining. A small surviving group—often used in the plural.
What is God’s Remnant?
From a Biblical perspective, God’s remnant refers to people—God’s people. It points to those who are faithful to Him and His original truth after a time of hardship. They remain loyal despite apostasy and opposition.
Through Abram, who later became Abraham, Israel has been God’s elected nation from the start. It is a nation that God foresaw and a nation that God selected to be His people, and He chose to be their God. Israel was a remnant of the nations.
The concept of the remnant continued to the time of the Prophet Elijah. According to I Kings 19, Elijah thought the nation of Israel had departed from God completely. But, God let it be known that He had left a remnant. God informed Elijah in I Kings 19:18 that He had left for Himself, 7,000 people who would serve and honor Him. Those 7,000 were God’s remnant.
Another Biblical example is in the first chapter of Isaiah, verses 1-8. God, through this prophet, delivered a blistering rebuke to Israel because the nation had swayed so far from Him. In verse 4. God said, “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.”
But in verse 9, it says, Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
Sodom and Gomorrah were utterly destroyed because of the sins that encompassed them. But because of the, as the Scripture reads, “a very small remnant,” the faithful remnant, Israel was sparred. This result illustrates the power of the remnant—a nation spared because of the remnant.
Who is God’s Remnant?
It is important to note that this principle doesn’t only apply to Israel. Because of the Sacrifice of Jesus as our redeemer, all can become a part of God’s remnant. The Scriptures tell us in Rom 11:5, “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”
Just as it was in Elijah’s and Isaiah’s day, it was so in Paul’s day. In spite of widespread apostasy, a faithful remnant among the Jews remained chosen by faith. This remnant, chosen by God, succeeded in obtaining righteousness through faith in the Lord Jesus.
We can repeat what Paul could say with confidence in his day today. No matter how grim and hopeless the situation might seem, because of God’s sovereignty, we can confidently say that there is still a remnant chosen by grace in this present day!
Therefore, we, too, the gentiles, can obtain righteousness and be a part of God’s remnant as well through faith in Jesus. As the Scripture reads in Eph. 1:4-6 NIV, For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. “In love (5), he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— (6) to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.”
Therefore today, those who are a part of God’s remnant are individuals who understand they are saved by grace and not by works. They do not abide by the false teaching that you must perform good works to go to heaven. They just do their best to live for God because they already know they are going to heaven.
Those who are a part of God’s remnant are those who serve God and not just the church of their God.
Those who are a part of God’s remnant acknowledge God in all their ways, even when their actions do not always please God. These are the individuals who always confess their sins to God, believing He is always faithful and just to forgive them and cleanse them from all unrighteousness.
Those who are a part of God’s remnant are those who know they are righteous because, at their conversion, the righteousness of Christ was put on them. They have accepted Christ’s righteousness instead of establishing their personal religious self-righteousness through church rituals and programs. They have also learned to put their trust in Christ instead of putting their faith in church practices and activities.
The members of God’s remnant are those who are blessed beyond any measure in spite of their failures and weaknesses. They are blessed because they are pleasing to God because of their faith. The Scriptures clearly state that it is impossible to please God without faith, and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
The Remnant and the End Time
Regarding the end-time, the remnant will be those who keep God’s Commandments. Rev 12:17 reads:
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The book of Revelation is full of symbolic prophetic imagery, using symbolism to represent literal events. In Revelation, Satan is depicted as a furious dragon, while God’s church and His people (the remnant) are denoted by a woman that the dragon hunts to make war with to destroy.
Those who are part of this remnant are recognizable by how they choose to obey God’s commandments at all costs, pledging their allegiance to Him and turning away from sin.
How Relevant is the Remnant to the Church?

Today the church serves as God’s chosen people. But akin to the people of Israel, the church has become a sinful nation that consists of believers fraught with iniquity, a seed of evildoers. They have abandoned the Lord and have provoked Him to anger. They have gone away backward.
But in the face of the state of the church, God once again has left a small remnant. A remnant that is far from perfect, but a remnant that trusts God.
For example, the Remnant is very relevant to the Seventh-Day-Adventist Church. They believe that the seventh-day Adventists are the remnant that came out of the Protestant churches and the final remnant people. In fact, they refer to themselves as the remnant church, not that they are superior, but because of the grace of God in their lives in the final period of the world and because of their adherence to the Commands of God.
They also believe in spreading the message of the importance of keeping the Commandments of God and having the testimony of Jesus Christ.
But it in the end, really doesn’t matter the denomination, the Scripture in Rev 12:17 reads,
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
There is no mention of domination. Therefore, anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, keeps God’s Commandments, and has the testimony of Jesus angers the enemy and has God’s favor (Rev. 14:12).
As the Scripture reads in John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Christ died for all!
A Remnant within a Remnant?
Is this an accurate term, or is it symbolic speech? Let’s examine.
Israel, the nation, was the original remnant of the nations, but as time went on, the remnant shrunk to as, the Scripture reads, “a very small remnant.
There is no indication of a “remnant within a remnant.” This small remnant was the subsequent remnant of Israel.
A remnant within a remnant seems to indicate that you can be part of a remnant and still be lost.
Although Israel was the original remnant, it became ensnared with sin; the majority of the inhabitants were lost, leaving again, as the Scripture reads, “a very small remnant.”
Therefore, individually, we are either part of the remnant, or we are not. When we fall out of the will of God, we are no longer part of the remnant. When evaluation or judgment arrives, that is when the remnant is evaluated, and it is determined who remains and who doesn’t. [e.g., the ten virgins, the wheat and the tares]
Consequently, “a remnant within a remnant is symbolic speech to express that there will always be members of an original remnant that will not follow through with their calling.
Revelation 2:25-26 reads:
25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
Presently, those of us who are part of the remnant are encouraged by Christ to “hold fast,” hold on until His return, for there is a great reward in the end. This is God’s message to the remnant!
Let us pray that God will impart His strength upon us to be His remnant.
Questions, comments, and concerns may be left below.
I am a remnant of God, my family is a remnant of God. According to 1 peter, 2:9 we are peculiar people, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. We are God’s workmanship called unto good works. As Jesus promised, He has gone to prepare a place for us eternally. It is our duty to hold on to our calling and always show forth the glory and praise of Him who has called us.Thank you for sharing this.
Amen Bethel – we are God’s remnant and we must strive to remain that way. Thanks for commenting!
What a lovely piece of writing. I came upon a scripture that talked of God’s remnant, which I read. “You are my remnant,” I remember thinking now, “when I spend my quiet time with God.” This is something I’ve been hearing for a long time. Now I understood what God’s remnant meant. Thank you
Hello Martina – I’m happy to know that the article has been informative to you regarding the Remnant. Thanks for commenting!
Great information. First,. your picture of the first church is set to the right side of the words, but the picture is too big making it very hard to read that section. I would either make the picture smaller, or put it at the top of the paragraph, so that reading would be much easier. Other then that, great informaiton!
Hello Leahrae – I am happy that you enjoyed reading the article.
I’ve looked into your suggestion concerning the picture of the church, and it is placed properly above the paragraph, just below the subtitle. I have observed it on several devices. Perhaps it is the way your browser zoom settings are set. You may want to use a smaller zoom setting.
Thanks for the suggestion and for commenting!
Very well stated and uplifting. A wonderful reminder that no matter how dismal the world seems at times, that God is there caring for those that trust in him. That its not works, its by faith we have a relationship with God. I agree that no one denomination has the monopoly on God, it is good to believe that you are part of the remnant, but not to assume that anyone not of your particular denomination is not. Ultimately our walk with God is individual. A favourite quote is “Don’t judge someone because they sin differently than you.”
I like that quote, Elaine. We are all sinners saved by grace and a work in progress and must work our faith diligently to be a part of God’s remnant.
Thanks so much for commenting!
A very prominent predicament in today’s church to say the least!While I agree with your statement that “A remnant within a remnant seems to indicate that you can be part of a remnant and still be lost”, does not fit the definition of a true “remnant”, it is however a true reflection of where today’s believers find themselves. Some think they are saved, while they are not.In Matthew7:21-23 it says that despite prophesying, casting out demons, or doing mighty works in His name, He will declare that He does not know them.How is that even possible? I think we can find the answer to that in Isaiah 55:8-9 where it clearly states that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. All men have sinned, were it not for grace, we may not be part of the final remnant.
Your statements are so accurate Johan. Unfortunately, many do mighty works but with the wrong motivation. Only by grace can we become part of “a very small remnant.”
Thanks for commenting!
I am also the follower of God, my family is also a remnant of God. According to one of Peter, we tend to be a special people, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. We tend to be God’s achievements, known as reasonable works. As the Savior promised, He went to make a place for us for eternity. It is our duty to continue our course and forever show the glory and praise of him who called us.
That’s great Hey that you and your family are devout followers of God. I pray that you continue along the path of righteousness of being God’s remnant.
Thanks for commenting!
Yes God always has those who are faithful among those who profess to know Him but in their works they deny Him. Even as it is in the world so it was in bible times. As Believers in God, we must ensure that we are a part of the remnant or His Church and the only way this can happen is by following the word of God to the very letter and asking Him each day to Forgive us and to have Mercy on us.
Correct – that is how we make our election and our calling sure!
Have a blessed Day!
This is true that you have to be faithful even when things go wrong especially when things go wrong. I myself went through some hard times but I remained faithful and in the end, I got blessed for being faithful. As we read the bible we see what horrible things some apostles and Jesus went through and they did not complain but looked on to God for their rescue and he always did rescue them. Jesus also forgave when he was on the cross by saying forgive them father for they don’t know what they are doing. In the end, Jesus went back to heaven and send us the holy spirit to comfort us no matter what we are going through.
I really liked your article
Absolutely Ingrid, as Jesus said in Matt 24:13, “but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” NIV It’s not an easy task, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome difficulties that confront us.
As you state God’s remnant refers to his people or otherwise followers who believe in Christ. It is not those that do good works alone but those that believe that they will be saved by grace. This does not contemplate non-believers or other faiths as you would have for Hindus, Muslims, Orishas, or even Rastas. It would seem that these adherents to other faiths could never be saved. To a Christian, there is no other way but through Christ and to suggest otherwise is unacceptable. Is it not equally difficult to propose that s non-Christ believer could leave his/ her faith after years of being in that faith? Is the concept of a Remnant so rigid that it would doom others to hell?
Greetings, Hugh, and thank you for your questions. Scripture makes it clear that those who turn away from the faith will be lost (e.g.,2 Peter 2:20-22). Those who overcome the temptations of the worldly lusts and follow the Commandments of God are members of the remnant. It’s not that the remnant concept is rigid; we always have a choice of the path to follow.
Thanks for commenting
Lovely piece of writing. Very informative and very easy to follow. The picture of the church, wow!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful church. I had no idea what a Remnant was until reading this piece. I find myself looking at Christianity very differently these days and pieces like this make it all come clear. I will read this to my mum who is on end of life care, she will certainly appreciate this.
I am glad to know that you’ve enjoyed this article, and it has proven to be informative. May you continue to grow in your pursuit of Christianity and Christ. I wish the best to your mom.
Thanks for commenting.
Although I am a Christian, baptized and born again, I had not thought of myself as a remnant. Interesting concept and I found the bible references to be more(in number) than expected. When faced with adversity it is our faith that brings miracles into our lives. Would you agree that miracles happen only after we demonstrate our faith?
Hi Dave – I agree that faith brings miracles into our lives, but I also believe that miracles can lead to faith in some cases. Take for example, the miracle of the burning bush (Exodus 3). That miracle grabbed Moses’s attention and led him to commune with God. That communication increased his faith to the point that he was able to lead the Hebrew nation out of slavery to the Promised Land. It all started with a miracle.
Hello All!!!
The number one question that must be asked in these final hours IS…
Are you born again/ John 3:3 so you are Rapture/ Heavenbound!!! Thank You, Lord, for rescuing me from religion!!! :):):)
Have been saved for 27+ years and STILL soaring in Jesus!!!!!!!
Amen Trisha!