As amazing as it may be, the truth has become controversial. What is the reason for this astounding reality? This article will illuminate all about the truth.
What is Truth?
What is truth? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, truth is the body of real things, events, and facts: actuality. Also, the state of being the case. A transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality.
Therefore, truth is the body of real things—reality, but, oh how far we have been removed from this definition. Since the creation, there has always been the lie, which is the opposite of the truth. It is the body of false things. However, the truth has been at the forefront and objective, and the lie in the minority.
However, with the advent of the post-modern movement, the lie is now equal to or, in some cases, placed ahead of the truth. The truth has now become subjective, subject to what an individual feels truth is.
So, how big of a problem is this? Huge! Truth should be the base of our functions. Outside of time, truth is the only stable element in our lives. Without truth as a base, there is no credence for anything.
Truth is the stabilizer; there is no spin to the truth, and the truth is non-negotiable.
Our words are very important. We must be able to trust each other. Otherwise, our words mean nothing. Words are powerful, and we are judged by the words we speak. Jesus said in Matt 12:37, “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” In the context of this Scripture, Jesus is referring to the judgment.
No word is immaterial to God, as every spoken word discloses what is in the heart. Since God knows our hearts, our words are crucially important to Him. Therefore, our words will be a basis for judgment because words reveal who a person truly is.
Additionally, Jesus also encourages us to speak the truth. In Matt 5:37, He is recorded as saying, “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. NIV
Here, Jesus plainly emphasized that we should tell the truth: When we say yes, we mean yes, and when we say no, we mean no. Otherwise what we speak is from the devil. In other words, say what we mean and mean what we say.
Nowadays, we truly see how the world is by the actions and words spoken. We are living in an age where we are overwhelmed with information, but not all of it is necessarily true. We live in turmoil because we do not know what to believe.
We actually have a body of falsehoods known as conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories increase during periods of widespread anxiety, uncertainty, or hardship, as through wars, economic depressions, and natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and pandemics. Unfortunately, they do not provide aid during these events at all; they only add more confusion and uncertainty to the events that are supposed to be addressed because they are not truthful but are theories. Only the truth can bring absolute clarity and closure to a situation or issue.
The World of Unbelief
Thanks to the subjective approach to the truth, we now live in a world of unbelief. The former President of the United States could not be trusted to tell the truth. According to the Washington Post, President Trump’s false or misleading claims totaled a whopping 30,573 over four years. Lies, lies, and more lies!
So if we cannot trust the President to tell the truth, what about the rest of the government? Politicians on both sides of the aisle engage in “alternative facts.” Alternative facts—what an oxymoron!
Moreover, unbelief spreads to science. Citizens in the US refuse to follow science, such as scientific proof that wearing masks and being vaccinated prevents the spread of COVID19.
Many in the US claim that the virus does not exist, even though, at the time of this writing, close to a million individuals have died from it in the US and over six million worldwide.
It gets better. Unbelief spreads to religion. In the subjective climate we live in, it is easy to discard God and the Scriptures [For more info on this topic, please read the article, The Bible and Cancel Culture on this website]. Is there really a God; is the Bible really truth? Is there such a thing as sin? Why does it matter whom I have sex with or who I marry?
Unbelief spreads to our bodies: “my body says I’m a male, but I feel like a female” (and vice versa). See the article, Transgenderism and the Bible.
In the world of unbelief, people simply will not accept facts and are walking around in their own reality.
The Answer
How do we find the truth with all the deception and unbelief permeating the world? Unbelief is a spirit and one of Satan’s powerful and effective weapons used in spiritual warfare. He has been using it since the creation of man (Gen. 3:4-5). But praise God, He has supplied us with spiritual weapons of our own to counter Satan’s assaults.
Let’s look at what the Scriptures tell us in 2 Cor. 10:4-5
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Therefore, we do not use worldly weapons but God’s mighty weapons. We use these weapons to beat down human interpretations and strongholds and demolish false arguments. Casting down every thought and proud obstruction that stops individuals from knowing God. We “bring into captivity” their rebellious thoughts and ideas and teach them to obey Christ.
Therefore, let’s take a look at these weapons in Eph 6:10-15
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. NIV
This passage describes the armor we are to use with the metaphor of a soldier. We are, in fact, soldiers of spiritual warfare.
It encourages us in verse 10 to “be strong in the Lord,” as we cannot be strong in ourselves against this enemy. Verses 11 and 12 identify the enemy and his location.
Notice in verse 14 where it mentions “the belt of truth.” This truth is the weapon to use against the spirit of unbelief. Truth will stand against falsehoods any day of the week! But how do we buckle this belt of truth around our waists?
We must acquire a spirit of discernment to counter the spirit of unbelief.
So what is discernment?
- Discernment is about making the right judgments.
- It’s looking beneath the surface to see what is actually there.
- It’s having the ability to hear what an individual is saying and yet hearing what they don’t say.
- It’s taking nothing for granted by evaluating, investigating, and distinguishing; looking deep down below the surface to find the truth.
Spiritual discernment is an essential tool in our arsenal to fight against the spirit of unbelief. It is vital to knowing the will of God for our lives. We must know whether we hear from God, other sources, or ourselves when making crucial decisions.
Spiritual discernment is essential to differentiate truth from error and avoid being deceived by sin, and it leads us to question the consequences rather than focus on the immediate pleasure. It allows us to see beyond what we hear, see, or feel.
The fact of the matter is that it is hazardous in the times we live in not to have spiritual discernment because it is our most significant protection.
How do we acquire spiritual discernment?
The first step is prayer, such as the one David prayed in Ps 119:65-66
65 Do good to your servant according to your word, O Lord.
66 Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I believe in your commands. NIV
We must, as David did, pray to God to bestow “knowledge and good judgment” upon us, and He answers us through the Holy Spirit, who is the source of spiritual discernment.
Let’s look at Jesus’ description in John 14:16-17
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—
17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. NIV
When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, He gives us a “counselor” to live inside us. He is the “Spirit of truth.” He guides us into the truth about God, and He will guide us “into all truth” (John 16:13).
The Holy Spirit is our “Counselor”
and our “Helper” (KJV) and will help us make wise decisions and choices. Without the Spirit, we are as lost as a blind mind walking without a cane. Paul makes this clear in Rom 8:5-8
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Here we have a comparison of the spiritual mind against the carnal, fleshly mind without the Spirit. To be without the Spirit is to be in the flesh, carnal-minded, and an enemy of God. They are simply lost in their flesh. They cannot please God because they cannot understand God or the things of God. Paul additionally said in 1 Cor. 2:14, “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” NIV
Bottom line: only the Spirit of God can provide us with the Spiritual discernment we need to know right from wrong in all areas of our lives. Without it, we are lost.
The next source for spiritual discernment is the Word of God, which is the basis of all Spiritual discernment and keeps us on the right track. Ps 119:11 reads, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” NIV
Hiding or keeping God’s Word in the heart is a deterrent to sin. One way to accomplish this is by memorizing Scripture. However, that is only the beginning because, in addition to memorizing Scripture, we must apply it and live by it (James 1:22).
The truth can be painful at times. However, denying it is not the answer. There are too many in the world denying the truth, walking around in their own reality. The problem with that is sooner or later, truth will prevail, and reality will come crashing down upon them.
Jesus warned about denying reality in Luke 17:26-30, where He is quoted as saying:
26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
28 “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.
29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.
30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. NIV

This passage is part of Jesus’ prophecy regarding His second coming. As we are witnessing today, individuals will be in denial, carrying on with life until the time of judgment arrives, just as it happened in the days of Noah and the days of Sodom.
Therefore, we should seek the truth and walk in it to be able to stand before the Lord.
I close with this final Scripture. Luke 21:36
36 Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” NIV
Questions, comments, and concerns are more than welcome below.
Thank you for this article, it is very enlightening and full of great information. You have laid this all out very well and it is great to see your thoughts in this post! I will keep reading more of your posts! Thanks Eric
Thanks for commenting, Eric.
You have done very well with this website! It was very well laid out, the information was presented clearly, and it had many exciting things to read about. I like how you have designed it and the personal way you present the information. You will do great, and I will read more of your posts too! Thanks, Eric
Hello Eric – Many thanks for your kind words regarding the website. I generally post new content weekly, and you’re welcome to visit anytime.
Thanks for commenting!
I love reading the articles on this website, It is always spiritually refreshing. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and they that worship Him must do so in truth and in spirit. It is becoming more difficult by the day to stand as a child of God in this present world where the majority rather than stand in truth prefer a lie. It is only by the grace of God that some of us are still standing because our righteousness is of Him.
Thank you for always sharing the word of God and may God keep you in faith.
Remain blessed
Thank you, Bethel. Yes, it is only by God’s grace that we still stand. May His grace be ever-present until His Son returns to take us home.
Thanks for commenting, as always!
It is very important that we speak the truth because God will judge every word we speak truth or lei. Matt 12:37
Jesus also wants us to speak the truth it is in the bible Matt 5:37.
If we lie we are united with the devil because he was a layer from the start and he can only tell lies.
As you mentioned nowadays we can not even trust the President (President Trump) and he was running the country.
It is a bad world almost everyone lies nowadays, only the ones who belong to Jesus tell the truth and sometimes even those tell lies.
It is a confusing world we live in nothing is like it was in the olden days when life was simple.
You have written a great article and I really enjoyed reading it
God Bless You Always, keep up the good work
Hello Elke – It is the sad truth. People are expected to lie these days. To lie has become a part of society’s DNA. You just don’t know who to believe! We must pray for discernment to be able to discern the truth from a lie. After all, we are warned in the Scriptures in Isa 5:20, which reads, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
We need discernment more now than ever!
Thanks for commenting
This is a very thorough treatise on the concept of truth. I agree whole heartedly that truth is needed in the world today. The basis of truth for me is scripture. The difficulty is that scripture is made up of words and words have to be interpreted. Ephesians 5:22 is a good example. What do the words “submit to the will of” mean. Does culture have anything to do with interpreting the truth? I think that scripture holds the truth but the only way to actually discern it is to be open to discussion and learning. We need truth in all areas of life. Unfortunately, culture, background, school, environment all dictate what we believe the truth to be so we need to discuss and discuss some. Mainly, we need to love our neighbors as ourselves – whether they agree or not. Thanks for this stimulating article.
Hi Anastazja – I see truth as truth no matter the culture. Truth is absolute, subjective, and non-negotiable. However, culture can be an issue in understanding the truth, and that’s where the Holy Spirit can help.
Thanks for commenting!
Have a blessed day
People that are truthful are generally regarded as being honest and therefore trusted by others. Whereas if you are a liar and it is exposed that you were not being honest, then people do not trust you. They do not believe what you are saying.
The truth in our modern society has become very distorted and it can be difficult to distinguish between the truth, and lies. The truth might not always be what we want to hear or see, but we have to face the reality and therefore accept the truth.
Your words are so true, LineCowley. The truth can be very disappointing sometimes, but we have to face it sooner or later. being in denial and not accepting it doesn’t change anything.
Thanks for commenting!
After watching the news last evening, I felt a great deal of sadness. We are living in a time when people all over are looking for hope. This hope is presented in colorfully wrapped words. But far too often the author or source of these words cannot be found in teachings freely on display in the greatest reference book of all time…..The Bible. This article filled me with a joy that can only come from the presence of the TRUTH on display when the Fruit of the Spirit is at work. I enjoyed the way you put a spotlight on the way things are today and compared today’s world with examples of similar behavior on display in the Bible. The outcome, when we are fueled by lies, is never good.This article made it clear that all future hope rests in our pursuit of the Truth, and that Truth can only be found in God’s word.Thanks for sharingStacey
Absolutely, Stacey, we must be in pursuit of the truth and accept it when we find it. It is in the Word of God that we find the truth, and it will set us free.
Thanks for commenting!
Well written and it was easy to understand.
Thanks for commenting, Dominic.
First i say may God bless you for doing things that we should all be doing. I do not know why there is a pop up before i have even started reading your article. I love how you linked us to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It really shows me that you are not the type to leave any stones unturned.
Reading this article once will not do justice to an individual as there is a lot to learn here. I love the fact that you wrote this with the intention of trying to make everyone who reads it understand the good news.
Spiritual discernment is really essential for each and everyone of us. I never ever thought too much about it, i probably would not be thinking about it now. I can see that i myself have not been connecting to the Holy spirit myself. I am guilty of going to church and then forget what i was taught there.
I have not been consistent in this area. l should read the bible everyday and apply what i would have learnt. I sometimes find myself filled with anxiety,stressed and lonley.
Thank you for caring about us. thank you for being the good sherpard. I know that we all are sherpard out there. our children look at us to guide them also. the work of the lord has no ending
Hello Dominic – I’m happy that you enjoyed the article. Begin and Keep reading and applying the Word and pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and you will be fine. You will discover that that is a most fruitful combination.
Thanks for commenting!
I enjoyed your article; however, I don’t agree with everything you wrote. I agree the word is the truth. Jesus is truth.There is a lot of falsehood in the world today. There are lies in all presidencies, lies in science, lies in the medical field, and so on. It has become evident that the adversary is ruling for the moment. The way things are right now it is better to trust no one but our Lord and Saviour. The dark side is on a rampage and is using any tactic necessary to confuse the saints. Love and pray for all, but put your trust in no man. God bless you.
Hello Lolita – I would love to know what exactly you don’t agree with since I agree with everything you have written here.
Thanks for commenting!
Truth has its power. It is light and it is from God.
I am strong in telling the truth and I have surrendered to God entirely. I have felt him refraining from lies, deceitfulness, and evil things. I know I need more control in my delivery of words to anyone. I sincerely pray to God every day to be with me, guide me in the right direction, and give me the knowledge and power to be in HIS arms, protected.
I just feel very lucky to come across this wonderful, life-changing article. This article connects to the happening of the real world where actions and happening are not always pristine. It elaborates that being with God can help your decision to be good and bring good to God’s world.
Every phrase is so powerful to impact you in the right way.
Thank you for bringing light to my life and for everyone who reads it and abides by the rules of God.
Hi Anusuya – I’m so happy that you have been blessed by this article. Keep praying and you will be led in the right direction.
Have a blessed one!
For me, not a Christian, the concept of Jesus and the bible passages are hard to understand. I respect your point of view and I appreciate your sharing your knowledge on the subject. For me, the truth can be seen in so many different ways depending on what angle you are looking into. We all have different appreciations of what a Higher Power means and based on those beliefs people decide what path to follow. I believe that no one is wrong as they are many truths, at the end of each person’s cycle on this planet, everyone will find peace in whatever they believe on.
Hi Nel – No matter an individual’s belief, the truth will always stand when all is said and done. No matter what topic is being addressed, the truth is non-negotiable and not subject to one’s belief of what the truth may be. If more of us sought and stood on truth, there would be much less confusion in the world.
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