Welcome to the Christian Advocate!

The Christian Advocate
The Cross of Jesus Christ

The Christian Advocate

The Signs Of The End Time

Jesus and Perfection

The Bible And Sex

The Bible And The Rapture

Salvation And The Bible

Effects Of The French Revolution

Biblical Deception 

What Is A Disciple Of Christ?

Pride And The Bible

The Church And Social Issues

Our Citizenship: Heaven 

Is Israel Cursed?

Biblical Stewardship

Why Are Israel And Palestine Fighting?

What Does the Bible Say About Hell?

The 7th Spiritual Law of Success

How to Talk with God

10 Commandments in the New Testament

Contentment and the Bible

The Lion and the Bible

The Beatitudes of Revelation

Revelation 18:4

The Second Beast of Revelation

What is the Beast of Revelation?

The Two Churches of Revelation

What is the Faith of Jesus?

What is the Brook Cherith About?

What is 1844 About?

What is Christendom?

What is Easter About?

The Parable of the Sower Explained

America on the Decline

Biblical Prophecy and Current Events

Enter Through the Narrow Gate

The Millennial Kingdom

Marijuana and the Bible

The Beginning of the End

The Right Church

Death and Life

The Three Angels Message

Jesus is the Only Way to the Heaven?

The Sabbath Truth

The Remnant Church

God and Evil

Promises of God from the Bible

Why is Discipline Important?

Coping with Stress

The Bible and Words

All about the Truth

How to Control the Mind

What is the Will About?

The Mind and God

Putin in Biblical Prophecy

What is Transference About?

Bible Prophecy and End Times

Women and the Bible

The Danger of Impatience

Sex and the Bible

Wisdom and the Bible

Patience and the Bible

Money and the Bible Money

Elements for Effective Prayer

The Unstoppable Gospel

Christian Holidays Pagan?

What is Biblical Love?

What is Double Minded About?

Can a Christian Backslide?

Christians and Vaccinations

A Faith Failure

The History of the Holy Roman Empire

Does God Really Exist?

Living Godly in an Ungodly World

The Rise and Fall of America

What is the Antichrist?

What are the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success?

Sin and Consequences

When Did God Change?

The 3rd Commandment

The Unpardonable Sin Explained

Saturday vs. Sunday Worship

What is Happening to America Today?

All about Baptism


Authority and the Bible

The Benefits of Obedience to God

Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist?

God: the Source of all Things


The Lights of the World!

The Coming Apostasy

What is a Follower of Jesus Christ?

Christianity Without Christ?

Popular Christianity: The Danger

How to Grow in Christ

Growing Through Temptation

What is Carnality? The Danger of Carnality Pt 5

What is Carnality: The Danger of Carnality Pt. 4

What is Carnality: The Danger of Carnality Pt. 3

What is Carnality? The Danger of Carnality Pt 2

What is Carnality? The Danger of Carnality Pt 1

The Bible and Forgiveness

Time and the Bible

The Bible and Homosexuality: A Balanced Approach

What do you Treasure

The Reason for Our Hope

God and Jesus: The Same?


COVID19 and God: It is time to recognize God is speaking

Spiritual Warfare: Conditions of The Mind 4

Spiritual Warfare: Conditions of the Mind 3

Spiritual Warfare: The Conditions of the Mind 2

Spiritual Warfare: The Conditions of the Mind

All About Spiritual Warfare: The Mind is the Battlefield

All About Spiritual Warfare

Whatever Happened to Justice


Transgenderism and the Bible

All about the Holy Spirit

What is an Evangelical Christian

The Truth Behind Thanksgiving Day

The Danger of Sin

Christians and Prayer

All about the Trinity

The Bible and End Times

What is Faith About—the incontestable engine of the Christian doctrine

Repentance and Sin:

Arminianism vs. Calvinism: My Response

Arminianism vs. Calvinism Introduction: There are two systems of theology

Abortion and the Bible

Postmodernism and the Church

What Does It Mean To Be a Born Again Christian?

The History of Our Bible